1. every year; yearly; annually
Pitch accent
Composed of
every (usu. with events, e.g. every weekend); each
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
Examples (51 in total)
It's the same every year.
I catch a cold every year.
The wheat crop bears a good harvest every year.
The meeting is held annually.
Many accidents happen every year.
The conference takes place annually.
We celebrate Christmas every year.
Land prices are running higher every year.
Typhoons bring about damage every year.
We hold an exhibition every year.
Tom goes to Boston every year.
I cook Thanksgiving dinner every year.
Kyoto is visited by many people every year.
They go camping every summer.
A lot of foreigners visit Japan every year.
My family goes to Italy every year.
Tom says he comes here every year.
How many times a year do you go skiing?
We import grain from Canada every year.
Many Europeans visit Egypt every year.
Father went to Detroit to work every year.
Most workers get an automatic pay raise every year.
Strangely, the number of students is decreasing each year.
Our world is getting smaller and smaller every year.
It is true that he goes abroad every year.
Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year.
Kyoto gets thousands of visitors from all over the world each year.
The Bible sells more than one million copies every year.
This tree bears good peaches every year.
When I was a child, I used to go to the seashore every summer.
More than 20,000 Americans are murdered each year.
Tom sends me a Christmas card every year.
In America, scores of free agents switch teams every year.
Every year, spring brings warm weather to our town.
The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year.
Do you know how many people in the world starve to death every year?
Her large income enables her to go to Paris every year.
Each year the world's population increases on average by two percent.
Paul's family spends the summer at the coast every year.
His large income enables him to travel abroad every year.
Many migratory birds come to this pond every year in winter.
Each employee is entitled to a two week paid vacation per year.
Each year in July, when the Championships are over, he starts to prepare for the next year.
That river floods every year.
About two million pounds of flour are exported annually.
Tom sends Mary a birthday present every year.
Each year, twenty-seven million acres of the tropical rainforests are destroyed.
The Japanese economy continued to grow by more than 5% annually.
Our university graduates 1,000 students every year.
They say that every year the number of tourists is greatest in October.
The festival is held in the second week of January every year.