1. poverty; penury; want; need
2. insufficiency; shortage; deficiency
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
poor home
seedy-looking; thin
poor; meagre; meager; feeble; scanty; shabby
poor hitting
poor and lowly
poor farmer; needy peasant
poor people; the poor
hardships of poverty; serious poverty
impoverished student; poor student
imperfect (Buddhist) training; imperfection in one's (Buddhist) training; incomplete training; I; me
petty; trivial; trifling; paltry; meager; meagre
gradually becoming poor; situation getting gradually worse and worse
gradually becoming poor; situation getting gradually worse and worse
poverty dulls the wit
poor village
lacking the words to say what one means
poor soil; poor country
edentates (i.e. anteaters, sloths, armadillos)
lake with low nutrient level; oligotrophic lake; unproductive lake
poverty is the greatest motivator; poverty is the mother of invention
tiny buttocks
impoverished student; poor student; poor person