1. Japan
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
Japan's best; number one in Japan
Japanese person; Japanese people
throughout Japan
Japanese (language)
Japanese sword (usu. single-edged and curved); Japanese bladed weapon
military of the Empire of Japan
Japanese representative; Japanese delegate; Japanese delegation
all-Japan; all-Japan championships; (Japanese) national championships
western Japan (usu. Chūbu region and westward)
the Japanese islands
Great Japan
first (of its kind) in Japan
eastern Japan (usu. east of the Chūbu region)
Bank of Japan; BOJ; BoJ
northern Japan (usu. referring to Tōhoku and Hokkaido)
Japan Sea coastal areas; Sea of Japan coastal areas
Japanese dog breed (e.g. Shiba, Akita)
Japanese government bond; JGB
Socialist Party of Japan (until 1996, became the Social Democratic Party of Japan from 1996)
new Japanese record
southern Japan (usu. referring to Kyushu and southwards)
central Japan
Nippon Kempo; Nihon Kempo; Japanese martial art
Party for Japanese Kokoro (Japanese political party founded by Shintarō Ishihara)
Nippon Ishin no Kai; Japan Innovation Party
New Party Nippon (Japanese political party)
Japanese Sign Language; JSL
Japanism; Japanese nationalistic ideological movement
Examples (200 in total)
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