1. head
2. hair (on one's head)
3. mind; brains; intellect
when read as "あたま"
4. leader; chief; boss; captain
5. top; tip
6. beginning; start
7. head; person
when read as "あたま"
8. down payment; deposit
when read as "あたま"
9. top structural component of a kanji
when read as "かしら"
10. pair
when read as "あたま"
Alt. forms
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
first letter of a word; capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence); initials (of one's name)
first letter; first letters; initial
Examples (77 in total)
Watch your head!
My head is itchy.
My head is throbbing.
She held up her head.
Do you still have a headache?
I think with my head.
My brain is full.
Though he is clever, he isn't wise.
Hey~, pet me on the head, please? ♡
My head still feels woozy.
He is good-looking and smart.
Seriously? Have you lost your mind?
Alice has a flower in her hair.
The ceiling over my head shook.
His head was hurt by the fall.
Put your hands behind your head.
He held his head straight.
The brain is inside the head.
He bumped his head against the ceiling.
He bumped his head against a post.
A stone hit him on the head.
He put a cap on his head.
I'll just go for a walk to clear my head.
His brain teems with ideas.
Father's hair has turned gray.
I cooled the patient's head with ice.
John hit me on the head.
I shook my head a few times.
The snake reared its head.
He laid his head on the pillow.
The statue has no head.
Tom, there's a bee on your head!
A cup of coffee cleared my head.
He is handsome and clever.
My father is getting bald.
Two heads are better than one.
I converted the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius in my head.
The man hit me on the head.
My head is about to explode from too much study!
Father never hits me on the head.
He has the habit of scratching his head.
He's smart, but arrogant.
I felt a drop of rain on my head.
The ball hit him on the left side of the head.
He was dazed by a blow to the head.
She hit me on the head with a hammer.
Ouch! A chestnut fell on my head.
The dog turned its head this way and that.
Tom only thinks about making money.
Tom's habit is to scratch his head.
Tom is wearing a blue bandana on his head.
There were black clouds over our heads.
Suddenly, the Sphinx raised its head.
She rested her head on her mother's shoulder.
He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever.
When was the last time I used my brain? I don't even remember.
You have to wear a helmet to protect your head.
Please follow my finger without moving your head.
Better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
I slipped on the pavement and nearly hit my head.
Mary came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her head.
I slipped on the ice and hurt my head.
A pine cone fell on Tom's head.
My stomach hurts, my throat hurts, and I have a fever. I feel like I'm dying.
The date and address is usually written at the head of letters.
Lucy approached the young man and put her hand on his head.
She is diligent and smart enough to win a scholarship.
I'll be meeting Tom in Boston early next week.
Now all they want is a roof over their heads.
The nurse gently put a bandage around my head.
The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind.
He banged his head against a shelf and got a big lump.
Now, I would like you to imagine a map of Great Britain.
William Tell shot an arrow at the apple on his son's head.
He has a habit of moving his head up and down when he is listening to a conversation.
Is your headache gone?
Like a headless chicken.