1. store; shop; establishment; restaurant
orig. an abbr. of 店棚;見世棚
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
store; shop
show; exhibition; spectacle
storefront; shopfront
Examples (156 in total)
The store was not a big one, was it?
Who is going to the store?
He dashed out of the store.
I left the store disappointed.
Unfortunately, the store was closed.
That store is open all year.
This shop is a rental video shop.
She went to that store.
Have you tried that store?
I saw him enter the store.
I don't like that store.
It wasn't a big store, was it?
I'm waiting for this store to open.
"Is it the first time you've been here?" "Yes, it's my first visit."
We were waiting for the shop to open.
He helps out in his father's store.
They sell meat at this store.
He keeps a store in Tokyo.
That store is exceptionally expensive.
I looked around the inside of the store.
This is a store that caters specially to students.
Let's check that shop, too.
They sell shoes at that store.
That shop has many customers.
This store sells vegetables.
It seems that the store is closed today.
Do they sell notebooks at that store?
That store gives good service.
My father manages the store.
Is this store open on Sundays?
He has a business in New York.
This store opens at 8 o'clock.
They closed the shop at five.
The store closes at eleven.
A burglar broke into the shop last night.
The store opens for business tomorrow.
Stamps are not sold in this store.
That store is closed on Mondays.
They sell imports at that store.
This store sells pottery.
That store sells men's wear.
This store carries household equipment.
There is a shop in front of my house.
What did she buy at that store?
Who bought a book at the shop?
There is not a store near my house.
She went from one shop to another.
That is the shop where I used to work.
I bought a cat at that shop.
I don't really like the stores there.
This shop deals in women's clothing.
That store sells meat and fish.
They shut up their store for the winter.
The shop is on the corner of the street.
This is the best camera in the store.
Go straight on, and you will find the store.
These books can be had at that store.
I rode my bicycle to the store.
We went by the shop without noticing it.
The store is notorious for charging high prices.
This bag is not available in any store.
They sell sugar and salt at that store.
I had my watch repaired at the store.
The store is across the street.
Do you know what time the shop is closed?
I bought that record in this store.
I was lured to the store by the advertisement.
The store happened to be crowded last night.
Their pizza is really bad.
The store happened to be crowded yesterday.
The shop is closed at nine every evening.
This store always closes at eight.
My cousin works in a shop near our home.
Tom was sent on an errand to the store.
This store has a variety of spices.
There is a large choice of bags in this shop.
That store no longer sells cosmetics.
My father owns a small business in Fukuoka.
I don't really like the mall stores.
There are many postcards in this store.
His store is always crowded with customers.
The store was crowded with holiday shoppers.
I know a good Italian restaurant.
The boy pressed his face against the shop window.
We must compete with the local stores in price.
There were no customers, so we closed the shop earlier.
You can't buy anything interesting in this store.
I hear that store is in the center of the city.
There are many stores on either side of the street.
The store was already closed when I got there.
At least three customers come into our shop every day.
We went into a shop to get some food.
There were no hats in that store that fit me.
He disappeared into a dark corner at the back of the shop.
My uncle has a store along the street.
I found all the shops closed by that time.
She bought this pen at that store.
The man standing over there is the owner of the store.
This shop sells articles of all kinds.
He went to the store to buy some oranges.
Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store?
My shop is on the main street of the town.
I usually buy clothing at a local store.
I bought a red sweater at that shop.
Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends.
The shop is open from Monday to Saturday.
Does that store keep textile goods?
Tony did not want to work in a shop or a factory.
The shop sells expensive accessories for women.
He deals in vegetables at that shop.
The post office is just across from that store over there.
I got a new stereo at that store.
The store is having a sale on summer goods.
The store offered special discounts during the summer.
Mr. Hobson closed the store and went home.
He showed me the way to the store.
The vegetables at that store didn't look very fresh.
That store sells many things besides furniture.
The store can supply us with anything we need.
I looked around the store but couldn't find what I had in mind.
This book is available at one shop only.
The store has a large stock of wines.
That boy likes to walk around the soap shop.
Most shops near the school are closed on Saturdays now.
She is firmly determined to own a store of her own.
Every time I go to a Japanese restaurant, I bring the chopsticks home.
There are a number of shops selling foreign books and periodicals.
We had no choice but to wait for a while until the store opened.
By chance we saw him as he came out of the shop.
I can't afford to shop at such an expensive store.
If it were not for your help, I could not run this store.
This store doesn't stay open as late as I'd like.
We were ignorant that the store was closed on Thursdays.
He asked his father to take him to the store.
This shop sells butter, cheese, sugar and various groceries.
As for dogs, customers may not bring them into this store.
Yesterday I went to the store to get my watch checked.
We bought a camera, a clock and some dishes in that store.
I go by that shop every morning on my way to school.
She picked out the best of all the jewels in the shop.
Go to the store.
The store is also open at night.
The store was relatively empty.
The store closes at seven.
A long queue had formed in front of the shop.
That store employs eight clerks.
The new store is going to open next week.
The store is open all the year round.
The shop had sold out its stock of that magazine.
There were no more than ten customers in the shop.
We have dealt with this store for 16 years.
He bought a piece of furniture at the store.
A white-haired man was playing an accordion outside the shop.
You can rent a bicycle by the hour at this shop.
I didn't like the music in the store, so I left without buying anything.
I saw the old gentleman cross the street and enter a store on the corner.