1. heaven and earth; the universe; nature; top and bottom; realm; sphere; world
Pitch accent
Composed of
sky; heaven; God; svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth); deva (divine being of Buddhism); top (of a book); sole (of a Japanese sandal)
earth; ground; place; territory; bottom (of a package, book, etc.); earth (one of the five elements)
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
new land; new world; new sphere of activity
creation (of the universe); the Creation
the gods of heaven and earth
creation of heaven and earth
the whole creation; everything in heaven and earth
do not turn upside down
heaven, earth and man
a small world
Heaven is black and earth is yellow; heaven and earth
rumbling and shaking of the earth
looking up and down, from heaven to earth (having nothing to be ashamed of); swearing by Heaven and Earth (having done nothing to be ashamed of)
the sentient world; all sentient beings
another world; enchanted land; joy from drinking and forgetting about the workaday world
The world is covered in darkness; All is plunged into darkness
Heaven and earth are eternal
extreme difference; worlds apart