1. side (of something, or taking someone's side); part
2. (watch) case
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (70 in total)
engawa; external corridor on the outer side of traditional Japanese houses; bone at the base of a fin; meat at the base of a fin (esp. of a flatfish)
north side; north bank
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
inside; interior; inner part
other side; opposite side; other party
opposite side; opposition
the reverse; other side; lining
right side; right-hand side
left side; left-hand side
both sides
west side; west bank
east side; east bank
opposite side; other side; other party
south side
one side
the prosecution; prosecution side
opposite side; other side
other side; other party; other end (e.g. of phone connection); opposition
enemy side
the defence; defence side
back side; back end; posterior; rear
seaward side
the front
the State
offensive camp; team at bat
the Japanese; Japanese side; Japanese delegation; Japanese representatives
upper side; surface
(on the) aisle; aisle seat
front side; anterior
the establishment
(one's) peers; people around one
(the) defense
well curb
receiver; receiving entity
American position; American side; American representatives; American delegation
a gold case; gold-cased
user side
sending entity; sender
anti-establishment; anti-government
sender; transmitter
silver case
father's side (of the family)
vendor side
vendor side
mother's side (of the family)
tub-sided samurai cuirass
sender (side of transaction)
fixed lateral; fixed side; fixed part
calling side
destination drive
acceptor; accepting SS user
sending side
requester; requesting SS user
(the) prosecution
caller; calling party
stringer; slanted staircase beam; side plate; side panel; side sheet
Examples (28 in total)
He stood by the entrance.
Come closer to me.
The side of my tongue hurts.