1. side (of something, or taking someone's side); part
2. (watch) case
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
upper side; surface
the reverse; other side; lining
upper side; surface
Examples (28 in total)
He stood by the entrance.
Come closer to me.
The side of my tongue hurts.
It was a mistake on their part.
The train passed by us.
There was no objection on the part of the owner.
I'm on your side.
There was no objection on the part of those present.
You can park on either side of the street.
My town is by the sea.
What's beside the desk?
This side of the house catches the morning sun.
There was no objection on the part of the students.
A referee should not favor either side.
It doesn't rain much on this side of the mountain.
There are many stores on either side of the street.
She is staying at a little hotel by the castle.
The accident was caused by the error on the part of the driver.
The workers' demands centered around overtime pay.
I enjoy reading, cuddling by the fireplace and slow dancing.
She came up to me and asked my name.
While he was reading a newspaper, his dog was lying beside him.
Which side of the plate is the spoon supposed to be on?
Workers pulled together and asked the management for a raise.
The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike.
Grandmother looks very comfortable in that chair beside the fire.
Is the school on this side of the river?
When I was young, I would play near that river.