1. people; men and women
2. each person; everybody
Pitch accent
Composed of
person; someone; human beings; mankind; human (Homo sapiens); (other) people; others
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
Examples (200 in total)
People lived in villages.
People are afraid of change.
The crowd rushed to the exit.
The street was crowded with people.
The dictator oppressed the people.
People laughed at the boy.
The room is full of people.
The birds are flying near the people.
People came to like her paintings.
People were bewildered by the unexpected situation.
Plenty of people were waiting for the bus.
The people exulted over their good luck.
Why do people go to the movies?
Be kind to those around you.
The people are playing baseball.
The people could repel the invasion.
Are you getting along with your neighbors?
Thousands of people were there.
People must love one another.
He liberated the people from bondage.
The movie theater was filled with people.
He is popular with the people at large.
The people gathered about us.
People speak French here.
People struggled against poverty.
People walked about in the wide garden.
The majority of people marry sooner or later.
People were deprived of their political rights.
People ran out of the castle.
Most people live in urban areas.
People in Brazil were proud of him.
He knew little about the people.
People thought that she was dead.
The people in the room didn't say anything.
He was among those chosen.
They worked to help people.
"He is loved by many, isn't he?" "Yes, he is."
Many people were killed in the war.
A lot of people are starting to notice it.
But people have little hope.
This song is liked by many people.
Wolves don't usually attack people.
There are also people who like spring better than autumn.
People seemed to be anxious about the future.
There is no doubt that people prefer peace to war.
How many people are in this room?
It's because I want to help sick people.
The people gathered around a round table.
English is used by many people.
Everyone is in favor of your idea.
Kyoto is visited by many people every year.
People will gradually lose sight of the original purpose.
Those who are present are all Japanese.
The people came out of their houses to listen to his music.
People in general are against the new law.
He made a speech in front of many people.
If you don't do your duty, people will look down on you.
People pursue more freedom and equality.
The people resisted their cruel ruler.
People believe this report to be true.
Sunday is the day when people go to church.
We must deal fairly with these people.
More and more people offered to help.
There were no laws for people to abide by.
There were some people sitting about on the grass.
He tried to awake people from their ignorance.
All but one of the people were rescued.
Many people were deceived by the advertisement.
People established churches and schools there.
Those present were surprised at the news.
The others paid no attention to her warning.
He had great influence on those around him.
Without an air conditioner, people nowadays cannot live.
In the summer, people go to the beach.
The mass of people are against the plan.
People once believed the world was flat.
There are times when innocent people get executed.
Generally speaking, the Japanese people are diligent.
Lots of people took part in the marathon.
The priest tried to improve the people's morals.
All sorts of people came to the exhibition.
What do people eat for breakfast in Australia?
Be active in doing good for people.
We welcome those who want to join our club.
People say Tom is very smart.
There were a lot of excited people in the stadium.
Those people contributed greatly to world peace.
The people who were here have all gone.
Everyone laughed at the story.
Why is this book loved by young people?
There are more people than we expected.
Some people believe that Japan is No.1 in everything.
People used to travel on foot.
Quite a few people came to the party.
The information is useful to a great many people.
People of all ages like this song.
The islanders are asking us for help.
The people in the room all know one another.
To many people, it was nothing short of a miracle.
The park was built for the benefit of the public.
In answer to her shouts, people ran to help her.
They will be used for making people happy.
I met some other people in addition.
Dozens of people gathered before the station.
Why do so many people visit Kyoto?
They waved flags to welcome the princess.
There were quite a few people in the hall.
People tend to require strong stimuli.
Hundreds of people were on the spot.
They blamed the driver for the accident.
More and more people are moving to urban areas.
Machines can do a lot of things for people today.
He despises people of a lower social class.
You shouldn't let people use you like that.
The people tried to clear the street of snow.
This law will benefit the poor.
Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday.
During the war, people went through many hardships.
One million people lost their lives in the war.
People are crying out against the new tax.
But poor people did not go to concerts.
The climate affects people in every land.
People thronged the theater to see the star.
We must provide food and clothes for the poor.
Who should look after the elderly?
Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm.
She spoke for the homeless.
The Mayas made their balls out of rubber.
Some people tried to dig the treasure out, but they couldn't.
People in these areas are growing hungrier each year.
Quite a number of people still believe it.
People were delighted at the safe return of the astronauts.
The gap between rich and poor is getting wider.
They are lazy. I can't understand such people.
People regretted his sudden death deeply.
Many young people are out of work in that country.
Those present were all moved to tears.
We have to do something for the dead.
All the villagers know of the accident.
I was moved by her love for other people.
Since she was wearing the very strange hat, people teased her.
This is how people get rid of things they no longer need.
People greatly differ in their views of life.
The policeman asked people to back off.
Our generation has seen a lot of changes.
She talked about the people and things that interested her.
Those present were all astonished at the results of the election.
Serving people is his sole purpose in life.
The people of London are very proud of this bridge.
Do people behave differently when they go abroad?
The people were in a line to get the signature of the president.
The name of this statesman is known to everybody in Japan.
His family was poor, and poor people did not often hear music.
I realized how rare happy people were.
Today more and more people begin to use computers.
Language is the means by which people communicate with others.
The soldiers seized food from the people they conquered.
People in the world are always advocating for more freedom and equality.
In my job I have to deal with all kinds of people.
These paintings will be left here for posterity.
In early days pioneers lived in houses made of mud and straw.
Many people visited the shrine where the saint lay buried.
She wished to punish only those responsible.
People came from far and wide to hear the President's speech.
The Browns were all kind to me.
She wrote the book about people she visited.
Proverbs are still very popular in America.
People wondered why Tom gave his speech in French.
These poor people were at the mercy of the cruel dictator.
A winter sport that many people enjoy is ice skating.
People living in town don't know the pleasures of country life.
They have practiced this custom for many years.
To those who seek peace and security: We support you.
It is important to try to get along with people from foreign countries.
Those who were present were very glad at the news.
It is worthwhile considering what it is that makes people happy.
Many people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
I felt utterly out of place among those sophisticated people.
People came to see the strange animal in the zoo, one after another.
Those approaching retirement age have the choice of working or not working.
People came to the concert hall to listen to the famous orchestra.
Why does the US government let people have guns?
I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general.
All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different.
People take electricity for granted until its supply is cut off.
After the earthquake, people stared into the deep hole in the ground in surprise.
In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work.
Noise is the most serious problem for those who live around the airports.
Some early religion's leaders were persecuted by their enemies.
Hundreds of people called or wrote to the Gorilla Foundation.
When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb.
People of this country do not respect their old traditions any longer.
There were two hundred people in the room.
There are about 6 billion people in the world.
When spring comes, people go out to pick wild plants.
Most Swiss people can speak three or four languages.
The same may be said of other people.
They, as well as you, are ordinary people.
Traditionally on April 1st, people pull pranks on each other.
People gather around here when it gets dark.