1. three; 3
参 is used in legal documents
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
adoration which is performed three times or repeatedly; act of worship which is performed three times or repeatedly
calico (pattern); tortoiseshell-and-white; calico cat; tortoiseshell-and-white cat
three months
Examples (56 in total)
Three weeks went by.
The court session lasted for three hours.
I had no more than three pounds.
I speak three languages.
This task took three hours.
We have three televisions in our house.
I bought a camera for 30,000 yen.
The three sisters look very much alike.
I have been living here for three years.
He's three years older than her.
I've been waiting for the bus for three hours.
We had three airplanes.
I've written three letters.
I run three kilometers every morning.
Anyway, three against one is unfair.
This play has three acts.
I'm the youngest of three sisters.
The load of the truck was in excess of three tons.
Take three at a time.
It took me three weeks to get over the flu.
He had three pieces of baggage.
Children under three are admitted free of charge.
I kept a diary for three years.
I make it a rule to study English for 3 hours every day.
He drank three glasses of water.
I borrowed three books from the library.
She lost her father when she was three years old.
He was the champion for three years.
Compare the style of those three letters.
Tom moved to Boston just three months ago.
I've been keeping a diary in French for the last three years.
I go to the movies three or four times a month.
There were three deaths in the car crash.
It will be three months before our house is completed.
I lived three years in Paris during which time I learned French.
The proposed method is applied to three simulated case studies.
Tom asked Mary if she spoke more than three languages.
Finally, I have time to reply to the mail that I have received these past three weeks.
In addition to about 30,000 yen, the wallet contained his driver's license.
I have not lived in Sanda since last year.
The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks.
Every three months, I get a bonus.
I spent three months in Australia.
My father caught three fish yesterday.
I spent three months compiling this data.
I have a reservation for three nights from tonight.
The Mitsubishi Bank merged with the Bank of Tokyo.
When will you live in Sanda next year?
Tom and I first met three months ago.
There were three buttons on the lower back of the robot.
He kept three dogs but lost one of them because of a traffic accident.
You have to give three months' rent as a deposit.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
You will be able to speak fluent English in another few months.
I was engaged in it for three years, that is, till I was twenty years old.
Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.