Usually written in kana
1. wild goose
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
flying goose
ganmodoki; fried tofu fritter made with vegetables
kanji "cliff" radical (radical 27)
bustard (esp. the great bustard, Otis tarda)
bound hand and foot; hedged in (e.g. by restrictions); immobile
greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
head (of a Japanese pipe, i.e. the bowl and shank); neck; head
snow goose (Chen caerulescens); blue goose
Canada goose (Branta canadensis); Canadian goose
eastern greylag goose (aquatic bird, Anser anser)
the flight formation of geese; lining up shoulder to shoulder like flying geese; leading out
tampala; Joseph's coat; Amaranthus tricolor
solitary wild goose (i.e. separated from its flock, esp. flying)
(bind) firmly
area below the pectoral muscle
Anatidae (family of birds including ducks, geese and swans)
Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis); nene
Aleutian Canada goose (Branta canadensis leucopareia)
Anatidae (family of birds including ducks, geese and swans)
ostrich fern; Onoclea orientalis
Anatidae (family of birds including ducks, geese and swans)