1. traditional cap worn by Shinto clergy and courtiers
2. crown; diadem; coronet
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
being covered with water (i.e. in a flood); being submerged; being inundated; flooding
crown; diadem; bottle cap
laurels; garland
important ceremonial occasions in family relationships
laurel wreath
system indicating court ranks by headgear colors (colours)
coronary artery
kimono and ancient head-dress
imperial coronation crown; celestial crown; crown worn by Buddha and celestial beings
uncrowned; without rank; having no championship wins; receiving no (major) awards
winner of triple crown
unique; unsurpassed; ranking foremost
bird's crest
golden crown; coronet; crown made out of gold
benkan; square-topped ceremonial crown with jeweled tassels
crown of a tooth
(papal) triple tiara
crown of laurel
bird's crest
stereotyped epithet
particular word that an owner includes in the names of their racehorses
to only look the part (but otherwise be wholly unsuited for it); a monkey wearing a crown
acute coronary syndrome; ACS
best; matchless; peerless; unparalleled; unrivalled
ancient headgear showing rank
Forgive me for dispensing with the preliminaries, but I hasten to inform you that...
(papal) triple tiara
root cap
coronary insufficiency
string of a crown (to prevent it from falling off)
brand name; company name
lophotrochozoan; any species in the superphylum Lophotrochozoa
gamopetalous corolla; sympetalous corolla
labiate corolla
crowning a boy with a traditional cap for the first time at a coming-of-age ceremony; person in charge of crowning the boy at a coming-of-age ceremony
crown or head-ornament worn with formal or ceremonial clothes by nobility (ritsuryo system)
Examples (2 in total)
There's a crown here.
Mayuko wore a flower crown.