1. one person
esp. 一人, 1人
2. being alone; being by oneself
when read as "ひとり"
3. being single; being unmarried
esp. 独り
when read as "ひとり"
4. by oneself; alone
when read as "ひとり"
5. just; only; simply
with neg. sentence
when read as "ひとり"
Pitch accent
Top 1900
Used in vocabulary (74 in total)
alone; by oneself; on one's own
another (person); the other person; one more (person)
aloneness; loneliness; solitude
just one person; only one
(on) one's own; (by) oneself
soliloquy; monologue; speaking to oneself
each (person); individually; one by one; one at a time; in turn
(not) anyone; (not) a single person; no one; nobody
all on one's own
to leave (someone) alone; to leave to oneself; to leave (someone) be
each (person); individually; one by one; one at a time; in turn
one by one; one at a time; in turn
to talk to oneself; to mutter
every one (of them); (one and) all; without exception; to a man; to the last person
only daughter
(not) anyone; (not) a single person; no one; nobody
(not) a soul; (not) a single person
(an) only child
travelling alone; solitary journey
self-conceit; self-satisfaction; self-righteousness; self-importance; complacency
taking on a life of its own (of a rumour, etc.); walking by oneself; talking a walk by oneself; walking unaided; being able to walk without help; standing on one's own feet
aloneness; loneliness; solitude
all on one's own
masturbation; onanism
single room; own room
one person; one customer; unmarried and childless older woman
one person's portion
per capita; per person
per person; per capita; per head
sleeping alone
every one (of them); (one and) all; without exception; to a man; to the last person
(an) only child
(on) one's own; (by) oneself
laughing by oneself; erotic pictures; shunga
only daughter
playing alone
(not) a soul; (not) a single person
single parent; one parent
(doing) karaoke by oneself
going to a yakiniku place by oneself
one portion; one serving; adult; grown-up; fully fledged; established
rash assumption; hasty conclusion
divining one's own fortune
one-person show; one-woman show; one-man show; performing solo; monodrama
arbitrary decision; taking for granted
taking on a life of its own (of a rumour, etc.); walking by oneself; talking a walk by oneself; walking unaided; being able to walk without help; standing on one's own feet
travelling alone; solitary journey
sleeping alone
rash assumption; hasty conclusion
performing solo; having the stage to oneself; being in sole command; eclipsing (outshining) the others; field of activity in which one is unrivaled (unrivalled)
bachelorhood; spinsterhood; celibacy; living apart from one's family; living alone; person who lives alone
single room; own room
for one person's use
being the sole winner; winner-take-all
single (i.e. unmarried) person; someone alone
double role; one person playing two roles; wearing two hats
(very) selfish; self-centered; self-centred; without consulting anybody (else)
laughing by oneself; erotic pictures; shunga
single parent; one parent
being the only loser; losing by oneself
to be pleased with oneself; to chuckle with delight
one person, one vote
being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged
going to a yakiniku place by oneself
divining one's own fortune
dance performed by a single person
single woman; bachelor girl; spinster
per person
self-conceited person; ego-tripper; swelled head
being besieged by suitors; to be popular; (lit.) eight suitors for one daughter
Examples (117 in total)
I would like to be alone.
How much is it for one person?
You're not alone.