Usually written in kana
1. rag; scrap; tattered clothes
2. fault (esp. in a pretense, pretence); defect
Adjective (な)
Usually written in kana
3. run-down; shabby; junky
Pitch accent
Top 23900
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
old cloth; rag
to have one's faults exposed; to have one's secrets blown
in tatters; in pieces; wiped out
to reveal the faults
old cloth; rag
worthless; shit; disparaging; demeaning
run-down shabby house; (arch.) rag and scrap merchant
run-down shabby house; (arch.) rag and scrap merchant
harsh criticism; something worthless or of little value
to reveal the faults
to have one's faults exposed; to have one's secrets blown
worthless; shit; disparaging; demeaning
run-down shabby house; (arch.) rag and scrap merchant