Usually written in kana
1. fundoshi; loincloth; traditional Japanese men's undergarment made from a length of cotton
2. kimono underskirt
when read as "ふんどし, ふどし"
3. wrestler's ornamental apron
when read as "ふんどし, ふどし"
Pitch accent
Top 41400
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
(wearing) a loincloth alone; nothing but a loincloth
(wearing) a loincloth alone; nothing but a loincloth
rikishi of the lowest rank; underling
string loincloth; G-string
string loincloth; G-string
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
(wearing) a loincloth alone; nothing but a loincloth
(wearing) a loincloth alone; nothing but a loincloth
to roll up one's sleeves and get to work; to buckle down
rikishi of the lowest rank; underling
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
to roll up one's sleeves and get to work; to buckle down
traditional Japanese G-string for men
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
to profit at someone else's expense; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to take risks with other people's money
coming of age ceremony where boys get a new loincloth and girls a new underskirt