1. sum
2. harmony; peace
Adjective (の)
3. Japan; Japanese-style
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (144 in total)
Latin-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
Japanese style; light wind; moderate breeze
chord; "on" reading of a kanji
peace; harmony
Japanese clothing; being dressed in a kimono; Japanese-style bookbinding
preceptor or high priest (in Shingon, Hosso, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism); second highest priestly rank in Buddhism; master (of one's art, trade, etc.)
peace conference; peace negotiations
traditional Japanese pattern; traditional Japanese design
the "wa" column of the Japanese syllabary table (wa, wi, we, wo)
Shōwa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7); reminiscent of the Shōwa era; Shōwa- nostalgic; old-fashioned
Russia and Japan; Russian-Japanese
Japanese dressmaking; kimono making
Japanese mathematics; mathematics developed in Japan
washi; Japanese paper
neutralization; neutralisation; counteraction
touch of Japanese; tinge of Japanese; Japanese flavour (flavor); Japanese style (e.g. of kanbun writing, in contrast to actual Chinese)
(consensual) sexual intercourse
English-Japanese; English-Japanese dictionary
Japanese reading of a Chinese character
reconciliation (between warring nations); (making of) peace
Ōwa era (961.2.16-964.7.10)
Japanese name (often of plants and animals, and written in kana)
harmonious atmosphere
harmony; accord; reconciliation; agreement
Wagyu beef; Japanese beef
book bound in Japanese style
native Japanese characters (i.e. hiragana and katakana); kana; kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); Japanese-made kanji
Japanese wakin goldfish variety
the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning
traditional Japanese wedding
reconciliation; amicable settlement; court-mediated settlement; (arch.) translation of a foreign language into Japanese
Reiwa era (May 1, 2019-)
Japanese translation
Meiwa era (1764.6.2-1772.11.16)
harmony; concord; agreement; unity; union
Japanese-style (esp. in reference to squat toilets)
refined Japanese sugar
peace and harmony
the Boxers (China)
wagoto; love scene; style of acting for love stories
scholar of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
French-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
Japanese clothes
Japanese-style room
Japanese food; Japanese-style meal; Japanese cuisine
Japanese person
friction; discord; trouble; dissension; disagreement
sum total; summation
disharmony; discord; dissonance; incongruity
friendship; fellowship
wokou; wakou; Japanese pirates of the Middle Ages
Shōwa era (1312.3.20-1317.2.3)
the "wa" column of the Japanese syllabary table (wa, wi, we, wo)
Genna era (1615.7.13-1624.2.30); Genwa era
Japan and Europe
Japanese-Chinese; Japan and China
Japanese drum
Tenna era (1681.9.29-1684.2.21); Tenwa era
Kokin Wakashū (Heian period collection of poetry)
yumi; Japanese-style bow; Japanese-style archery
Italian-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
peace settlement
Japanese-style bookbinding
Japanese text; sentence in Japanese
mixture; mingling
Japanese language; native Japanese words (as opposed to Chinese-derived words and other foreign loanwords)
hymns of praise in Japanese
Kanna era (985.4.27-987.4.5); Kanwa era
traditional Japanese alcohol (primarily sake, but also shōchū and fruit wine)
war and peace; peace
poems collected at the behest of the Emperor (from 905 to 1439); Imperial collection of poetry
study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture; Japanology; Japanese studies
to grow together; to join together (in doing something)
book in Japanese; book bound in the Japanese style
traditional Japanese musical instrument
Japanese calendar; Japanese imperial year
Wadō era (708.1.11-715.9.2)
to make peace
Bunna era (of the Northern Court) (1352.9.27-1356.3.28); Bunwa era
modern Japanese (design or architecture); traditionally Japanese (design) in a modern form
Japanese-English; Japanese-English dictionary
(traditional) Japanese style
traditional Japanese medicine; Japanese folk medicine
Japanese-style set menu
harmony, respect, purity and tranquility; the four most important elements of the tea ceremony
social integration (esp. of burakumin); assimilation; burakumin
Jōwa era (834.1.3-848.6.13); Shōwa era
Japanese-Latin (e.g. dictionary)
with a gentle face and a nice word
traditional Japanese colours (colors); addition color
harmonize but not agree (harmonise)
pair of persons (especially a married couple) being intimate and harmonious; being happily married
Japanese-made thing; Japanese goods; Japanese style thing
China and Japan; Chinese and Japanese (languages); dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary
Japanese spirit with Western learning
Jōwa era (of the Northern Court) (1345.10.21-1350.2.27); Teiwa era
traditional Japanese medicine
hotel room with both Western and Japanese elements (usu. with Western-style beds and a separate tatami-floored living area)
disjunction; logical sum; logical add; OR operation
Japan and Russia; Japanese-Russian
Chōwa era (1012.12.25-1017.4.23)
Japanese and Chinese medicine; oriental medicine
Japanese music
Japanese-German (e.g. dictionary)
Japanese-French (e.g. dictionary)
algebraic sum
direct sum
king of Yamato
Japanese-style oblong, open end envelope
Japanese trinket
partial sum (of a sequence)
native Japanese species
sum of squares
Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary
conjugal harmony; concord between husband and wife
zero-sum game
zero-sum game
divorce by settlement
arithmetic sum
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
cumulative sum
delivery with little pain (i.e. use of pain-reducing drugs)
Japanese production; Japanese product
literary style from the Heian era onwards, often mainly in kana and written by women
thick Japanese paper resembling Chinese paper (from late Edo period onward)
tray of traditional Japanese food
Edo-period realm of the Japanese (as opposed to the Ainu) in southern Hokkaido
traditional Japanese steel (e.g. used in swords)
full-width space
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598); Imjin war
son of a person of high social standing
Nawa Station (Tottori)
Examples (5 in total)
In sport, team harmony is vital to success.
There's a place called Kuchiwa in Hiroshima.
Every even number is the sum of two primes.