1. thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
Pitch accent
Composed of
argument; discussion; theory (e.g. of evolution); doctrine; essay; treatise
sentence; composition; text; the literary arts (as opposed to the military arts); academia; statement
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
short essay; pamphlet; tract
graduation thesis
research thesis; treatise
Examples (28 in total)
Have you finished writing your thesis?
Have you already decided what the topic of your thesis will be?
Why don't you take your time in finishing your paper?
I am writing a study of the French Revolution.
She contributed an article to the newspaper.
His paper is better than mine.
His paper reads like a novel.
This article will affect my thinking.
I meant to have finished writing the paper.
He wrote a paper on the subject.
I have a few essays to write by tomorrow.
This data is for my thesis.
This scientific article reads like a novel.
The rule requires that theses be written in English.
In this paper, I compare the folklores of Germany and Holland.
I have to complete a paper on the Japanese economy.
"Is the essay ready?" "No, I'm sorry. I haven't finished writing it yet."
You should turn in your paper by next Saturday.
His paper was, on the whole, satisfactory.
The paper discusses the problem in terms of ethics.
The teacher wrote a short comment on each student's paper.
I am writing a thesis about international disputes after World War II.
For writing papers, most college students mainly use computers.
The data in her paper serves to further our purpose.
We are not concerned in this paper with the application of Emmet's theory in biology.
It's a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes.
The article deserves careful study.
The student submitted a paper to an English-language journal, and the result was "conditional acceptance".