Adjective (の)
1. history
Pitch accent
Composed of
history of; experience of
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
dark history; dark past; something one wants to forget or pretend never happened
historic; historical
historical drama
historic; historical; traditional
history book
to go down in history; to be recorded in the history books
(study of) history
historical philosophy
historical viewpoint
historical novel
historical science
to let (feel) time pass
history repeats itself
historical archive; library of historical records
historical records; historical materials
everyone has a past; every person has their own history
historical awareness; understanding of history
historical tale
page in the history books; historical (event); old news
history painting; painting of a historical, mythological or legendary event or figure
without a history; historyless; unhistoried; unstoried
historical map; atlas
historical times; historical period
historical school (of economics)
historical revisionism
to inscribe one's name in history
historic district; historic center of a town
historical geography
historical linguistics
historical demography
revisionist (person who takes a revisionist view of history)
official history (e.g. a state-sanctioned account of history subject to revision when the government changes)
historical geography
Examples (64 in total)
I'm weak in history.
History deals with the past.
History is my major.