1. soul; spirit; departed soul; ghost
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (70 in total)
charm; amulet; talisman
inspiration; afflatus; ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.)
sacred ground
miraculous efficacy; miracle; miraculous virtue
memorial tablet
soul; spirit
a mountain's guardian deity
departed spirit; soul of the dead; ghost; apparition
spiritual ability
spirit residing in the ground
spirit; soul; ghost
spiritual power
evil spirit
spirit of a dead person; ghost; departed soul
spirits of war dead; person of great ability; soul of a talented person
divine spirit
mysterious presence; mysterious atmosphere; aura of mystery
the Holy Ghost; the Holy Spirit
spiritual; incorporeal
miraculous medicine; miracle drug; wonder drug
miraculous god; wonder-working god
divine nature; spirituality
sacred beast
guardian spirit
the spiritual world
vengeful spirit (spawned from a person's hate); doppelgänger; co-walker; wraith
one's whole soul
psychic power
spirit (e.g. human spirit); soul; spirit; ghost; ethereal being
ancestral spirit; collective of ancestral spirits which have lost their individualities; ancestor deified as a kami; spirit of a kami
division of a shrine's tutelary deity, in order to share it with another shrine; spirit divided in such a manner
sacred mountain
ghost bound to a specific physical location (usu. where death occurred)
communication with the dead
(garden) cemetery; park-style cemetery; memorial park
miracle herb; sacred herb; herb with mysterious powers
sacred ground
mysterious power
sword possessing mystical powers; virtuous sword
miraculous efficacy; miracle; miraculous virtue
sacred ground; sacred precincts
the four auspicious beasts from Chinese mythology
miraculous stone; magical rock
wandering ghost
crown (of creation); apex; the best
miraculous; wonderful
animal spirit; animal ghost
coffin; casket
before the spirit of the deceased
miraculous (miracle-working) water
powerful spirit; power of the emperor
body and soul
ancestral spirits
mystic wisdom
flesh and spirit
miracle; wonder; wondrous thing
All Souls' Day
experience of seeing a ghost
spirit of goodness
stubborn and ignorant
Christian name; baptismal name
the loyal dead
Reiyukai (Buddhist sect founded in 1919 as an offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism)
wondrous virtue; miraculous virtue
observatory for astronomy, cloud-watching, etc.; astronomical expert; place where the soul is located
Examples (4 in total)
Mary can communicate with ghosts.
That house is haunted by Tom's ghost.
The medieval church despised the body and exalted the spirit.