1. command; order; dictation
2. nth year in the Reiwa era (May 1, 2019-)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (66 in total)
official announcement; proclamation
order; command; decree; (software) instruction; statement
government ordinance; cabinet order
laws and ordinances; acts (of parliament, congress, etc.)
your elder brother
(your) daughter; young woman
age; years
delivering an order; dispatch of an order; messenger; orderly; runner
order (esp. to a number of people); command; ritual of bowing at start and end of school class
regulations; rules; (local) regulation; ordinance; bylaw
official announcement; proclamation
steward; butler
notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.); wording; choice of language; phraseology
criminal, administrative and civil codes (forming the basis of ancient East Asian law; orig. Chinese); legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models
warrant; summons; written order
ban; prohibition; interdiction; injunction
gag order; gag rule; gag law
(imperial) edict
prefectural ordinance
martial law
Reiwa era (May 1, 2019-)
military command
Mrs; Lady; Madam; your wife
prohibition; ban; embargo
directive; instructions
good reputation; fame
order from the company president
your wife
giving orders to someone and making use of him; servant
your younger brother
conscription ordinance; conscription law; draft; Conscription Ordinance (1873-1927)
mobilization order; mobilisation order
ministerial ordinance
regulations pertaining to education
giving an order
laws regulating expenditures; sumptuary edicts; thrift ordinance
1585 edict by Toyotomi Hideyoshi which banned war between feudal lords in Japan
presidential decree; executive order
mustering-out order; callup
your elder sister
your grandchild
requisition order
secret orders
your (his) heir
home; mother
warrant; writ
fawning look (on one's face); servile look; (arch.) good complexion
Order for the Provision of Firewood and Water (1842)
preparatory command
imperial edict
National Requisition Ordinance (1939)
bad decree
your daughter; young lady
display command; display instruction
ordinance liberating all geisha and prostitutes (1872)
auspicious date
Export Trade Control Order
revision of an instruction; revised order
debt cancellation order issued by the Emperor or the Shogun (during the Muromachi and Kamakura periods)
auspicious month; second month of the lunar calendar