Adjective (の)
1. temporary; provisional; interim
2. special; extraordinary; extra
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
casual income; extraordinary revenue; incidental income; nonrecurring income; perquisite
temporary closure (of a shop, etc.); extra holiday; special holiday
provisional government
news flash; news special; special newscast; special news bulletin
temporary employment or employee
special train; extra train
relief service (bus, train, etc.); interim service; additional service
extraordinary Diet session; extraordinary session of the Diet; session of the Diet convoked by the Cabinet by need or house request
extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)
extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet
extraordinary Diet session; extraordinary session of the Diet; session of the Diet convoked by the Cabinet by need or house request
additional bus service; extra bus
temporary employee; temp
incidental expenses
temporary worker
long-term substitute teacher (filling in for someone on maternity or long-term sick leave)
chargé d'affaires ad interim; acting chargé d'affaires
Examples (2 in total)
Tom has been named interim head coach.
I got a temporary job at the firm.