1. two swords
2. being skilled in two fields; (an) expert in two fields
3. liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
4. bisexual (person)
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Composed of
both (hands, parents, sides, etc.); counter for carriages (e.g. in a train); counter for vehicles; ryō; tael; ryō; pre-Meiji unit of currency, orig. the value of one ryō of gold
sword (esp. Japanese single-edged); katana; scalpel; chisel; burin; knife money (knife-shaped commodity money used in ancient China)
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
double-sword fencing; two-sword fencer; being skilled in two fields; (an) expert in two fields; liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
double-sword fencing; two-sword fencer; being skilled in two fields; (an) expert in two fields; liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
double-sword fencing; two-sword fencer; being skilled in two fields; (an) expert in two fields; liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
taste for both wines and sweets; having a liking for both alcoholic beverages and sweet things