1. flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current
2. flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency
3. course (of events); (step-by-step) procedure; process
4. group of people who remain together after the end of an event
5. descent; ancestry; school
6. forfeiture; foreclosure
7. cancellation
usu. as お流れ
8. drifting; wandering; roaming
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
floating object (e.g. in water); forfeited pawned article
flow of time; flux of time; lapse of time; current of the times; trend of the times
stranger; tramp; wanderer
trend of the times; way things are going
assembly-line system
sweep of the tide; drift of the tide; tidal current
cancellation; abandonment
stray arrow
stream of consciousness
being carried away by a current; drowning in a river; person who drowned in a river; cancellation; standing up
forfeiting a pawned item; unredeemed pledge; foreclosure
flowing into the black market
flow direction
flowchart; flow diagram
slanting, one-sided (shed) roof
the Heike line
there are exceptions to every rule; (lit.) rocks will flow and leaves will sink
dye bleeding (in fabric dyeing)
swiftly running river; rapid stream
job stream; run stream; input stream
message flow confidentiality
job stream; run stream; input stream
job stream; run stream; input stream
Life is an unknown course
Examples (15 in total)
The stream flows into the pond.
The current is rapid around here.
They swam against the stream.