1. fashion; way; style; manner
2. school (of thought)
3. class; rank; rate
usu. after a number
4. current (electrical, water, etc.); flow; stream
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (141 in total)
fashion; trend; vogue; prevalence (of a disease); epidemic
fluent (in a language); flowing
diversion; appropriation (e.g. of funds); misappropriation; re-use (e.g. old computer parts); recycling
groundless rumor (rumour)
swift current; rapids
atmospheric current; air current; airflow
flow line; streamline; lines representing the flow of a fluid
cancelling a meeting; adjournment of a meeting (due to lack of attendance)
woman (writer, artist, aviator, etc.)
main course (of a river); mainstream; main current (e.g. of thought)
elegance; taste; refinement
water current
flow rate (esp. water or electricity); quantity of flow; capacity (of output or throughput per unit time)
stray bullet
wandering (e.g. bird, exile, lifestyle); wandering alone in a strange country
exile; banishment; deportation
running water; stream
Shinto-ryu (school of kenjutsu)
confluence (of rivers); merge (of traffic); conflux; union (e.g. of forces); linking up; merging
another style; another school (of thought, karate, etc.)
flowing around
roving robber; marauder
exchange (e.g. cultural); interchange; interaction; alternating current; AC
Shinkage-Ryu (style of Japanese fencing)
first-class; top grade; characteristic; peculiar; school (e.g. of a performance art); one flag
source (e.g. of a river); headwaters; origin of something continuous (language, culture, etc.)
(inferior) imitator; epigone; poor imitation; follower; adherent; person belonging to the same school (e.g. of thought)
streamlet; brooklet; rivulet
Kantei style of calligraphy
counter-current; adverse tide; regurgitation (of blood)
influenza; flu
sales channels; (product) distribution channels
wandering; soil erosion
scrawl; scrawled writing
circulation (money, goods, etc.); distribution; circulation (air, water, etc.); ventilation; negotiable (e.g. shares); distributional
school (e.g. of ikebana)
celebrities; notables
third-rate; third-class
downstream; lower reaches of a river; lower classes
raging stream; rapids
meteor swarm; meteor shower
drainage basin; catchment basin; river basin; watershed; valley
liquid sound
avalanche of earth and rocks
(air) turbulence
Japanese style; Japanese fashion
groundless rumor; groundless rumour; false report
the same style; same school; common origin
Hozoin-ryu (school of sojutsu)
loss current
meteor; shooting star; falling star
discharge; outward flow; efflux; leak of (private) information or pictures
upper stream; upper course; upstream; upper classes
way (of doing things); method; style; school (e.g. of poetry)
(the) mainstream; main course (of a river); main stream
liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes both liquor and sweets; bisexuality; player who can play as both pitcher and fielder; dual sword wielding; two-sword fencing
(an) exile; vagrant; wanderer; nomad
second-rate; inferior
mid-stream; middle course; middle class
physical distribution; distribution of goods; logistics
vicissitudes; continual change; transmigration; metempsychosis
streamline shape; aerodynamic shape
self-taught method; one's own way; one's own style
tributary; branch
one's own style; self-taught manner
fashion (current) of the times; general drift of affairs
fluid; unsettled
high-voltage current; high-tension current
workmanship; style
one's own way
being washed away
one's own way of thinking; one's independent approach
one's own way of thinking; one's independent approach
wielding three swords; player who can play as pitcher, fielder and batter
bottom current; undercurrent
populace; common run of men; worldly customs
direct current; DC
distributary; tributary; branched flow (river, current, etc.)
revelation; outpouring
pyroclastic flow
Western ways; Western customs; Western habits
warm current
flowing through; conduction
liquid; fluid
his style; her style; his way (of); her way (of)
style of classical Japanese swordsmanship involving use of two swords
speed of moving fluid
cold current
flowing south (e.g. of a river)
rip current
branch of a school
circulating widely (of news, etc.)
round that ends with nobody winning
flowing down (e.g. water in a river); downward flow
meandering stream
swirling current; eddy; whirlpool; eddy current
modern; contemporary
polar current
Japanese style of calligraphy based on the gyōsho style popular in the Edo period
Japan Current; Kuroshio Current
Shinto-ryu (school of kenjutsu)
laminar flow
the Gulf Stream
Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu (iaido style)
coastal current; littoral current; alongshore current
axial flow; axial current
Urasenke school of tea ceremony
main current
Sogetsu school of flower arrangement
old current; old style
ordinary style
forfeiting a pawned article
Shotokan (style of karate)
influx of Taiwanese pop culture (into Japan)
Goryū Shinto (sect of amalgamated Shinto)
translocation; drift
Ekman current
nearshore currents
current reduction (usu. electrical)
flowing west (e.g. of a river)