Adjective (な)
1. clever; intelligent; wise; bright; sharp; sensible; smart; shrewd
2. well-behaved (esp. children and pets); obedient; good
usu. as お利口
3. good (with words)
Pitch accent
Composed of
advantage; benefit; profit; interest
counter for people or implements
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
well-behaved (esp. children and pets); obedient; good
clever; smart
clever person
Examples (30 in total)
Patty is a smart student.
She is very clever.
He is a clever boy.
It is true that he is young, but he is clever.
He is indeed a clever boy.
John is more clever than Bill.
Mary is both intelligent and kind.
Tom is smarter than Mary thinks.
He is neither diligent nor clever.
Judy is a very clever student.
I thought him very clever.
I remember him as a cute, bright little boy.
Even smart people are sometimes absent-minded.
Generally speaking, the young people of today are clever.
I thought her very clever.
Although he may be clever, he is not wise.
Wolves aren't as smart as foxes.
He is clever enough to solve the problem.
Bill is the smarter of the two brothers.
He is as smart as any other boy in the class.
He is clever, no doubt, but he is cold, too.
But Tony was not a clever boy.
A clever student can answer such a question easily.
If you call him a clever man, he may be happy.
Even the cleverest students can make silly mistakes.
The ingenious boy won a prize for his invention.
We all consider he's the cleverest dog in the world.
No matter who it was that wrote this book, he's very clever.
Nancy looks a fool but she's really very clever.
He is very clever for a boy of ten.