1. advantage; benefit; profit; interest
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (89 in total)
locational advantage; advantageous position; products from the land (farm output, timber, minerals, etc.); land rent
use; utilization; utilisation; application
clever; intelligent; well-behaved (esp. children and pets); obedient; (arch.) good (with words)
funny word or gesture; funny part (in a puppet show, kabuki, etc.); (arch.) a woman's temple hair
interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
greed; avarice
increase in interest rates
convenient; handy; useful
sake bottle; tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic, metal or glass that can be used for sake, shoyu or rice vinegar; turtleneck (sweater); non-swimmer; person who cannot swim
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
advantageous; favourable; better; profitable; lucrative; gainful
sharp-edged tool; sharp weapon; convenience; facility; superior talent; outstanding ability
victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
locational advantage; advantageous position
gain; profit; benefit; amplification
advantage; point in favor; point in favour
interest; rights; concession
advantages and disadvantages; interests (of parties)
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; interest (of the public, etc.)
interest (money)
interest; (investment) yield; profits
compound interest
sharp; keen
knitting; hosiery; knitted goods
(interest) coupon
right; privilege
interest rate
sharp or blunt; bright or foolish
well-being; welfare; benefits and happiness
interest rate; interest
interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
annual interest rate
decrease in interest rates
spoils of war; booty; war trophy; something one managed to obtain or buy (at a bargain sale, merchandise stall, etc.); purchases; prizes (at an arcade, etc.)
intelligence; cleverness; innate aptitude
excessive profits; usury
fame and fortune
low interest rate
gross profit; gross margin
benefitting the enemy; benefiting the enemy
disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position
sharp; keen; acute
locational advantage; advantageous position; products from the land (farm output, timber, minerals, etc.); land rent
use; utility; profit; gain
profiting while others fight
high interest rate
usage; way to use; utilization
net profit
utilization of water; water supply; irrigation; water transportation; navigability (e.g. of a river)
sharp sword
wide-awake to one's interests
self-interest; personal profit
profit margin
profit margin
one advantage
bones left after cremation (esp. those of a Buddha or Boddhisatva); grain of rice; cooked rice
profit margin
small profit
benefitting oneself; benefiting oneself
self interest
blessings bestowed by the Buddha on all living creatures
crisis (in an illness)
sharp sword
principal and interest
commercial profit
(interest) coupon
monthly interest
to be eager to pursue one's own interests; to think only of profit
heaven of the thirty-three; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
mutualism; symbiosis
public good; public profit
party interests
simple interest
compound interest
love of easy money
unexpected benefit; sudden profit
use and application
people's interests
putting one's own interest ahead of one's party (for a politician)