Usually written in kana
1. dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
2. indigo (dye)
3. indigo (colour)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
indigo-dyed leather
ukiyo-e print produced with various shades of indigo (and sometimes small amounts of vermilion or yellow)
indigo blue
deep indigo
indigo blue
stencil dyeing produced with various shades of indigo
indigo-tinged grey (gray)
indigo dyer
indigo-tinged grey (gray)
dark steel blue
anil indigo (Indigofera suffruticosa); Assam indigo (Strobilanthes cusia)
Mercurialis leiocarpa (species of mercury whose leaves can be used to produce an indigo dye)
dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
pale cyan; pale azure
pale cyan; pale azure
synthetic indigo
Assam indigo (Strobilanthes cusia)
deep purple; reddish indigo
indigo wax; cylindrical shape made from indigo dye froth, often by boiling the froth with caustic soda, used for coloring paintings, etc.
mixture of lime and fermented indigo leaves after the indigo dye has precipitated from the leaves (byproduct in the process of creating indigo dye)
indigo-dyed leather
indigo-colored ceramics; indigo-patterned cloth
dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
green-cracking russula (Russula virescens); quilted green russula; green brittlegill
ball of dried, ground, fermented dyer's knotweed leaves
Oscillatoria (cyanobacteria)
brown tinged with olive green and indigo