Adjective (の)
1. nakedness; nudity
2. bareness; nakedness; baldness; being uncovered
3. being penniless
4. concealing nothing; openness
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
to take off one's clothes; to undress
naked person (esp. child)
being stark-naked; having no possessions; losing all one's belongings
naked candle; uncovered candle; unshaded candle
stark naked; nude; stripped of all belongings; penniless; naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum)
nudity; stark naked; in one's bare skin; penniless
wearing nothing but an apron; being nude except for an apron
naked body; naked sword
naked person (esp. child)
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
caterpillar (esp. hairless); person with scanty supply of clothes
completely honest relationship; hanging out naked (e.g. at a public bath)
unsaddled horse
naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum)
naked dance; dancing naked; striptease; strip show
having nothing except one's body; having empty pockets; being penniless
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum)
(top) half naked; naked above the waist
naked light bulb
person of high standing facing no opposition and with a warped view of reality; (lit.) naked emperor
naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
semi-naked festival; festival in which the participants go naked apart from loin-cloths
uninsulated electrical wire; open-wire line; bare wire; bare conductor
waiting for one tile to finish one's pair and one's hand while the rest of one's hand is exposed; waiting for half of one's pair with four melds exposed
visiting a shrine naked in winter
caecilian (any burrowing legless amphibian of the order Gymnophiona)
lantern fish (any fish of family Myctophidae, esp. Watase's lanternfish, Diaphus watasei)
Examples (7 in total)
The king is naked!
The baby was naked.
The children were swimming naked.