1. greed; craving; desire; appetite; hunger; avarice; wants
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (63 in total)
evil desire
unselfishness; wanting little
greed; avarice
greed; avarice; covetousness; greedy person
avarice; greed; covetousness; raga (desire)
will; desire; ambition; urge (e.g. creative urge)
to covet; to lust for
unselfish; disinterested; unavaricious; free of avarice
sexual desire; sex drive; lust
lust; sexual appetite
abstinence; self-control; celibacy; abnegation; asceticism
avarice; heartlessness; greed
appetite (for food)
possessiveness; desire to monopolize (monopolise); desire for control
lust; lusts of the flesh; animal passions; carnal desires
desire to protect
passion; sexual desire; lust; attachment (esp. to one's family or a member of the opposite sex)
animal or carnal desires; lust
control one's desires; abstinence
human desires; human passions
avarice; greed; covetousness; raga (desire)
avarice; greed; covetousness; raga (desire)
passion; passions; (sexual) desire; craving
passions; sexual desire; lust
greed; worldly or materialistic desires
self-interest; selfish desire
thirst for knowledge; intellectual thirst
craving for the limelight
to be greedy; to covet
the lust for conquest
lust for power
partiality; bias
to be blinded by greed
desire to succeed in life; ambition to make one's mark in the world
abnormal sexuality; sexual perversion
selfishness; self-interest
sexual abnormality
(being) slightly covetous; a little covetousness
incarnation of selfishness; lump of avarice
desire realm
desire; wish; passion
creative urge
lust for money; hunger for money
to lust for
ideally; if one were to wish for more
extreme greediness
love of fame
the six domains of the desire realm; the six heavens of the desire realm
greed; avarice; covetousness
control of passions; control of appetite
having thought for neither gain nor greed; only wanting to do something (thinking about nothing else)
desire to go shopping; desire to buy (something)
slave to avarice
greedy; avaricious; acquisitive
avarice brings doom upon oneself; grasp all, lose all; (lit.) the greedy hawk-eagle splits in half (when trying to catch two boars at once)
Examples (3 in total)
He is a man of few wants.
I don't have much desire for wealth.
He is selfish and greedy.