Verb (する)
1. deposit; bank account
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
account balance
(deposit) passbook; bankbook
term deposit; (fixed) time deposit
ordinary bank account
bank account
foreign currency deposit
cash equivalent
mattress money
mattress money
current account; transactional account; checking account; cheque account; demand account
deposit insurance system
deposit insurance
cash on hand and in banks
night-deposit safe
anonymous bank account
special deposit
cash-deposit ratio
compulsory deposit in return for loan
negotiable deposit
bank deposit guarantee
bank deposit guarantee
deposit interest rate
inactive bank account (no withdrawals or deposits made, and to which the owner's rights have been terminated)
required reserves; legal required reserves
Automated Teller Machine; ATM
Examples (6 in total)
I want to deposit some money.
He deposited the prize money in the bank.
Neither Tom nor Mary has any money in the bank.