1. surplus; margin; leeway; room; space; time; allowance; flexibility; scope
2. composure; placidity; complacency; calm
Kanji used
be in excess
Pitch accent
Top 900
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to give someone space; to give someone breathing room; to cut someone some slack; to provide leeway; to provide an opportunity
calm and collected; with composure; having enough and to spare
to feign composure; to act like one has (time, money, strength, etc.) to spare
Examples (26 in total)
Do you have much time to spare?
I can't afford to buy such a thing.
There's still some room in the closet.
I'd like to buy a house, but I can't afford to.
I want a television set, but I can't afford to buy one.
We can't afford to keep a horse.
Traveling is a luxury I can't afford.
He cannot afford to buy a car.
I don't earn enough money to buy clothes regularly.
I cannot afford a long vacation.
Since there wasn't much time to spare, she took a taxi.
I can't afford a new car this year.
I can't afford to buy all the things I want.
I can't afford to buy such an expensive car.
I could not afford to buy a bicycle.
I can afford one, but not both.
I can't afford to buy an expensive car.
Jack can't afford to buy a new bicycle.
Tom can't afford to buy a house.
I can't afford to rent a house like this in Tokyo.
I couldn't afford to buy a bicycle, much less a car.
I can't afford to eat in such an expensive restaurant.
I can't afford to shop at such an expensive store.
Her father can afford to give her a big allowance every month.
Tom didn't have enough money to buy Mary a present.
Nowadays few people can afford to employ a maid.