Verb (5-dan, ぶ, intransitive)
1. to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to have a good time
2. to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.)
3. to be idle; to do nothing; to be unused
4. to meet up (with friends); to hang out
5. to give oneself up (to gambling, drinking, etc.)
6. to go to (for pleasure or for study)
as 〜に遊ぶ
7. to tease (somebody); to play (with)
8. to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Examples (120 in total)
I don't want to play.
Don't play here.
Would you play with me?
I'm playing with the computer.
Tom wants to play.
He is playing here.
I used to play there.
Let's play something.
Let's go out and play.
You must not play.
The girls are playing.
Nobody wants to play with her.
Come on, let's play.
I want to play outside with my friends.
Let's play this game.
Come and see me tomorrow.
He is playing over there.
The dog is playing with the cat.
My sister is playing with a doll.
Please stop playing with your hat.
It was fun playing in the park.
We play on Sunday.
The children are playing in the schoolyard.
Some children are playing on the grass.
Let's play cards instead.
Helen is playing in the yard.
The children are playing outside the house.
The children are playing with blocks.
It's a rainy day, so we can't play outside.
Children are playing behind the house.
The children were playing in the sunshine.
Don't you like playing with me?
I enjoy watching children play.
We played and laughed.
She was playing with her sister at that time.
There were two children playing on the street.
She is playing with her friends.
Don't play with that key!
We could not play owing to the rain.
I like to play in the garden.
The children are playing in the snow.
We played all together.
The children were playing in the middle of the street.
Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!
Many children were playing in the park.
There are some children playing in the park.
We played on the beach.
He has a secret desire to play.
A group of children were playing in the park.
Several children are playing on the beach.
Nowadays children don't play outdoors.
People are playing near the beach.
We went to Hawaii for pleasure.
My son is playing in the rain.
We played around the farm.
Their mother let them play in the field.
Stop playing and come inside.
Tom refused to play with the guinea pigs.
Let's play video games or something.
Tom and Mary were playing on the seesaw.
It is great fun to play with a puppy.
The children were playing in the dirt.
The boy was absorbed in playing a computer game.
Sometimes I work, and sometimes I play.
Don't play in this room.
Can you find the time to play with our daughter?
It is very dangerous for children to play on the street.
We were watching the child at play.
That child wants a friend to play with.
Don't play in the forest after dark.
They like to play in the snow.
Please don't let the children play with knives.
I used to play with dolls a lot when I was a little girl.
There is enough room for us to play.
I used to play in this park.
When I was a kid, I used to often play in that park.
Work and play are necessary to health.
Children can play without danger here.
The young couple went to Kyoto for fun.
Play with the cats.
Students spend a lot of time playing.
The children played outside until dark.
The children would play for hours on the beach.
Go play outside. It's a beautiful day.
Have fun, but don't get lost.
How much time every week do you spend doing fun stuff with your children?
The beach is an ideal place for children to play.
When I was a kid, I often played in that park.
Tom's cat is playing with a ball of yarn.
I played with Tony yesterday.
The boys are still playing in the sandbox.
She seems to take immense pleasure in playing with children.
Yesterday I played with Tony.
I'd rather study than play today.
That kid likes playing with cats.
We remembered the old days when we had played together.
I played outside with everybody because the weather was good today.
Hundreds of boys are playing in the ground.
A boy with a toy sword was playing by himself.
The girl is used to playing all by herself.
Generally speaking, children like to play outdoors.
"I am too old and sad to play," said the boy.
He was playing football with an empty can.
Mothers should keep their children from playing in the streets.
Children like to pretend to be adults when they play.
I always hang out with friends on Fridays, since I have the next day off.
They like to play on the swings in the park.
Mummy, I've finished my homework. Can I go out and play now?
Tom, Mary and John were playing tag on the playground.
We know how completely engrossed children become in games.
I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends.
It was raining hard, so we played indoors.
She refused to play with it, and just sat there looking angry.
If you've got time to play around on an acoustic guitar, practice your bass!
Pochi and Moko are in the kennel, and other dogs are playing in the garden.
I remember playing with Yoshiko in that garden when we were young.
I spent the whole day playing with my kids.
Go play with your friends.
When I was young, I would play near that river.
In summer, they used to play on the beach all day long.