Adjective (な)
1. wealthy; rich; affluent; well-off
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
wealthy people; the rich
Examples (20 in total)
At that time, we were quite rich.
Since he is wealthy, he can do anything.
He is a son of a wealthy family.
He's the only son of a wealthy family.
Though he is wealthy, he is not happy.
He lived a rich and comfortable life in the country.
Tom doesn't know how rich Mary is.
The rich and the poor are afraid of death.
Obviously, his companions were jealous of his wealth.
Not everyone who lives here is rich.
She is rich, certainly, but I don't think she's very smart.
Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.
The discovery of oil enriched the country.
The gap between rich and poor is getting wider.
The wealthy family built another large house.
Sometimes rich people look down on other people who do not have much money.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
I am poor, whereas my brothers are very rich.
The guests wished the happy couple a long and prosperous life.
The Van Horn family was wealthy.