Adjective (な)
1. able; capable; competent; talented; efficient
Pitch accent
Composed of
existence; possession; having; limited company
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
Examples (14 in total)
He is an able engineer.
Nancy is a capable nurse.
He is an able banker.
Who do you think is the most capable?
He is young, but he is an able man.
No matter how capable you are, you're not going to get a promotion.
An able sportsman should be brave.
I know Tom is a good detective.
She is very efficient in the secretarial work.
He was a famous poet and a competent diplomat.
Can you name anyone that we know who is as talented as he is?
The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
In other words, he is the most able young man I know.
Many clients went to the able lawyer for advice.