Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. preference; priority; precedence
Pitch accent
Composed of
Excellent (grade); A; superiority; excellence; gentle; graceful
former; previous; old; first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
maximum preference; maximum priority; priority handling
priority; order of precedence
degree of relative priority
priority; preference; preferential right; right of way
priority matter
priority seat; courtesy seat; seat provided in trains, buses, etc. for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc.
high priority
priority to pedestrians
priority seating
preferred stock; preference shares
giving one's family life priority over one's work
row-major (e.g. vector)
column-major (e.g. vector)
public interest first
priority to pedestrians
priority to pedestrians
priority treatment; preferential treatment
preferred foreign currency
holder of preferred stock
elapsed aging
breadth-first search
preferred term
substances requiring priority action (with regard to environmental issues); priority substance
Examples (2 in total)
Fire engines have priority over other vehicles.
He should be given preference over the others.