Adjective (の)
1. only; sole; unique
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
one and only; unique
Examples (50 in total)
He's our only suspect.
The only reward of virtue is virtue.
That's my sole concern.
This is the only book I own.
This is the only thing left.
You are my only hope.
It was my only choice.
The moon is the earth's only satellite.
My health is my only capital.
Tom Jackson is our only suspect.
Being an only child, he was the sole heir.
A small, naked bulb gave the only illumination.
He is the only person that can do it.
You're my only friend.
Humans are the only animals that can use fire.
This is the only camera I've got.
My only worry is that I have no worries.
Man is the only animal that writes books.
Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.
Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans.
The only one who didn't do that was Tom.
This letter is the only key to the mystery.
Your only remedy is to go to the law.
Practice is the only way to master foreign languages.
The sole survivor of the crash was a baby.
He is the only friend I can really trust.
I lost my only chance to appear on television.
"That's the only problem," he said angrily.
The only evidence was the traces of semen stuck to the underwear.
The steep path is the sole access to the border.
Mary is the only woman that I've ever really loved.
I think this is the only way to get rid of cockroaches.
Tom is the only guy I know from Boston.
Her only pleasure is listening to music.
Tom is the only man in the world that is likely to break that record.
He is the only American who has swum the English Channel.
This is the only way to solve this problem.
Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.
Serving people is his sole purpose in life.
As far as we know, the earth is the only planet to have oceans.
Her one wish was to see her son again.
Parrots are the only animal that can imitate human speech.
The discovery of truth should remain the single aim of science.
My uncle was the only person injured in the car accident.
His only hobby is making airplane models.
The track club was the only place where I could be myself.
Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class.
Ability is the only factor considered in promoting employees.
The Jordan River is the only river flowing into the Dead Sea.
The only way to unlock the door is to open it from the inside.