1. role; assignment; responsibility; duty; function; job; service
2. position (of responsibility); post; office
3. part (in a play, film, etc.); role; character
4. scoring combination (in mahjong, card games, etc.); meld; hand; yaku
Pitch accent
Top 22100
Used in vocabulary (132 in total)
scoring combination made with captured cards; meld
nurse; nanny; guardian
to be helpful; to be useful
duty; role; function
former post; former occupant of the post
government office; public office
to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose
part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties
lacking a role; lacking a post; lacking a position; duty-free; tax-free
to put to use; to make good use of; to exploit
to be helpful; to be useful
role of the villain; the bad guy
important task; important role; major part (in a film, play, etc.); leading role; high-scoring combination
leading male role in kabuki
perquisite; perk; side benefit; emoluments
leading part; leading actor; leading actress
supporting role (actor); minor role
dramatic role for child; child actor
villain; baddie; the villain's part
influential man; boss
post; official position; managerial position; executive position
role (which someone or something plays in a given situation); part; contribution (to a given situation)
government housing for officials
(theatrical) role of old person
government official
substitute (e.g. actor); substitution; stand-in; double
role; part; duty
dismissal; firing; retirement; being relieved from one's post; being relieved of a burden
assistant official
assistant; right-hand man; subordinate; (lit.) wifely role
holding a position of responsibility
nature of one's position
leading actor; protagonist
(company) director; executive; top management; important post; role with heavy responsibilities
town hall
assistant; adjunct; lieutenant
person standing watch; guard duty
of no use whatsoever; good for nothing; useless
dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth
to act (as); to hold an office; to play the part (of)
first role
lucrative position
temporary post
actor; actress; man of wits; clever person; cunning fellow
director; executive; officer; official; person in charge
to put to use; to make use of; to turn to account
guide; host
important post; role with heavy responsibilities
mediator; manager; caretaker
counselor; counsellor; adviser; advisor
mediator; peacemaker; troubleshooter; manager
one's superior; higher-up; boss; senior
watchdog; chaperone; watcher
company director; board member
facilitator; programme director; steering committee (chair)
opposing role; partner
listener's role
catchers who warm up pitchers in the bullpen; tank (character that soaks up damage for the rest of the party in an MMORPG)
taster for poison
mediator; go-between; middleman; broker
role of the villain; the bad guy
study (for a role); preparation for a part (in a play, etc.)
auditor; inspector
umpire; referee
role of a villain (film, drama, etc.); bad-guy role; social outcast role
underling; subordinate official
male part or role
yakuman; win worth 32000 points (or, if dealer, 48000 points)
military service
moderator; host; chairman
three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.); three parts; three divisions
official title
coordinator; coordinating role
job title; name of one's position
handling cargo; loading and unloading
scoring combination in one's dealt hand (i.e. at the start of a game); meld in a starting hand
double role
role; duty; responsibility
holding a position of responsibility
female role (e.g. in film); female part; occupation deemed fit for a woman; passive role in a male homosexual relationship
personal attendant
instigator; originator; initiator; torch bearer; incendiary; agitator
host; toastmaster
to be appointed to a post; to assume office
small part (e.g. in a film); bit part; extra
well-suited role
of no avail; useless
auditor (Edo period); examiner; inquisitor; winner (of the most rounds, i.e. a full game)
priest in charge of a temple's clerical duties
attendant; best man (at a wedding); groomsman; maid of honor; bridesmaid
female part or role (drama, kabuki, etc.)
initiator; instigator; flagman; leader
person who makes someone else appear better; foil
firefighter (Edo period); problem-solver; troubleshooter; relief pitcher; reliever
successful role
change of post
temporary extra work
leading force; driving force; leader
assistant (to section manager)
difficult role
government treasurer
to assign a role to an actor
value honor; round wind, seat wind, and dragon tiles; winning hand containing one kong (or pung) of a value honor
(role of) heel (in wrestling, films, etc.); bad guy
card that can be used to make a scoring combination
substitute actor; stand-in; double
to place someone in a position
an office; an important office
scoring combination made with captured cards; meld
magistrate in charge of finding out and converting hidden Christians (during the Edo period)
senior's role
role and responsibility
menstruation; menses; period
winning hand
winning hand
scoring combination in a dealt hand that becomes worth more at the end of the game if the player's total score is above 88
the four top party executives (of the LDP)
(member of one of) the top four ranks of sumo wrestlers
being excused from various levies and taxes during the age of militarist government
moving gadget on a pachinko machine designed to add excitement to play
forced labor imposed by the government (e.g. under the ritsuryo system)
labor system in which able-bodied men were required to work for periods in the capital (ritsuryo system)
cheating by hiding a card one has been dealt (so that one can claim one wasn't dealt the correct number of cards)
points awarded for scoring combinations
Examples (15 in total)
The part of the queen does not suit her.
Who will play the role of the princess?
He acted as chairman.