1. misfortune; bad luck; evil; disaster
2. unlucky year; critical year
3. smallpox
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 37500
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
calamity; disaster; great misfortune; grand climacteric
warding off evil; protecting against misfortune
exorcism; ceremonial cleansing from evil influence
escape from evil; exorcism
god who spreads infectious diseases; god of pestilence
hardship and misfortune
warding off evil; protecting against misfortune
calamity; evil; misfortune
the year before a critical age; the year before an inauspicious year
critical year in one's life; inauspicious year
escape from evil; exorcism
bad luck; misfortune
the year following an inauspicious year
to exorcise; to escape evil
smallpox; variola
the year before the unlucky year
victimized by the unlucky year; victimised by the unlucky year