1. baseball
Pitch accent
Composed of
plain; field; lacking a political post
sphere; counter for balls
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
baseball player; ballplayer
yakyūken; strip version of rock, paper, scissors (similar to strip poker)
baseball club (at a university, corporation, etc.); baseball team
Examples (119 in total)
Let's play baseball.
I love baseball.
How about playing baseball?
We can't play baseball here.
I like baseball.
Have you ever played baseball?
We played baseball.
He does not play baseball.
Do you know baseball?
Then, how about a baseball game?
Are you still good at baseball?
Bill is a baseball player.
We were going to play baseball.
He is good at baseball.
It's fun to play baseball.
Soccer is more popular than baseball.
Do you like baseball, Bin?
Let's play baseball with everyone.
He likes baseball very much.
He will play baseball tomorrow.
Did you play baseball yesterday?
What's so interesting about baseball?
The people are playing baseball.
Don't play baseball here.
I just wanted to play baseball.
What do you play baseball for?
He plays baseball every day.
He can play baseball.
Do you want to watch the baseball game on TV?
Don't play baseball in the park.
He played baseball after school.
They sometimes play baseball.
I don't feel inclined to play baseball today.
He doesn't care much for baseball.
We defeated them in baseball.
Mike can't play baseball well.
Let's play baseball when the rain stops.
The baseball season opens before long.
The baseball game ended in a draw.
This person compares everything to baseball.
Almost all boys can play baseball.
She is what is called a baseball widow.
He is the very best baseball player in our school.
Why do you like playing baseball?
I saw them play baseball.
What fun it is to play baseball!
She doesn't like baseball very much.
His baseball life ended then.
He's very good at playing baseball.
It's too dark to play baseball now.
I'm playing baseball now.
We watched them play baseball.
You have to be more careful when you play ball.
We'll likely go to the ball game tomorrow.
I thought you enjoyed talking about baseball.
All of us students like baseball.
Speaking of hobbies, I'm fond of baseball.
He as well as you likes baseball.
How about we play baseball in the open space?
He showed great skill at baseball.
All my family were just crazy about baseball.
A baseball came flying through the window.
You can learn a lot by playing baseball.
No, but I like going to watch baseball.
I almost always play baseball after school.
I watched the baseball game last night.
"Do you like sports?" "Yes, I especially like baseball."
I want to see baseball on television this evening.
He can play both tennis and baseball.
He broke his leg in the baseball game.
The most wonderful thing about baseball is teamwork.
I saw them play baseball in the playground.
After school we play baseball with our classmates.
The stadium was flooded with baseball fans.
Playing baseball is a sport, and climbing mountains is a sport, too.
We postponed our baseball game for two days.
Our school beat Keio at baseball.
When the weather had cleared, the children began to play baseball again.
He stopped playing baseball last season.
As a child, I liked baseball better than football.
I often played baseball when I was young.
To what degree are you interested in baseball?
Almost all Japanese boys like to play baseball.
There was no baseball match because of the rain.
Let's have dinner before we go to the baseball game.
He had to write an account of the baseball game.
He is second to none when it comes to playing baseball.
The baseball game was called off on account of the rain.
I watched baseball on TV after I finished my homework.
Most boys admire baseball heroes.
He has a big future in baseball.
We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games.
When he was young, he would often watch baseball.
Such sports as tennis and baseball are very popular.
When I was a little child, I used to play baseball after school.
Tom took his son John to a baseball game.
It was a really exciting baseball game.
The baseball game was canceled because of the heavy rain.
Just as the Americans like baseball, the British like cricket.
Baseball is by far the most popular sport in Japan.
I love baseball, and have hardly missed seeing any big games.
We're playing baseball after work today.
No, I can't. I have to watch a baseball game on TV.
When I opened the window, I saw children playing baseball.
The students went to the baseball game along with their teacher.
If it's fine tomorrow, we'll play baseball.
My father often takes me to baseball games.
Because of the rain, the boys couldn't play baseball on the playground.
Hey! Your baseball just broke my window.
A baseball came rolling to my feet.
If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be put off.
I can play baseball, tennis, volleyball, and so on.
When I was young, I would often go to watch baseball games.
She chatted with her friends about the baseball game.
The baseball game was so exciting that everyone stayed until the very end.
I like outdoor sports, such as baseball, tennis and soccer.
The boy broke the window with a baseball last weekend.
Tom can't swim at all. On the other hand, he is a good baseball player.
Baseball is said to have been invented in Cooperstown in 1839.