1. evening; night
2. dinner
when read as "よる"
Alt. forms
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (94 in total)
middle of the night; dead of night
one night; all night; overnight; one evening
dawn; daybreak
moonlit night
dawn breaks; day dawns
night wind
street at night; making a night journey
late at night; small hours of the morning
dead of night; shades of night; black of night
all night; throughout the night
every evening; every night
in the dark
every evening; night after night
evening calm
night-clothes; heavy kimono-like quilt
nightlife; night amusements
evening deepens into night; the night wears on; night advances
night flight (without paying); skipping out by night; moonlight flit
perpetual night; continuing all night
to stay up all night; to spend the night without sleep
night stall; night shop; night fair
dark night; moonless night
every night; nightly
crying (of an infant) at night; baby colic
to see well in the dark; to have good night vision
to stay up all night; to sit up all night; to do something all night
attending someone through the night (guard, nurse); act of a woman sleeping with a man (at his bidding); keeping overnight vigil over body before burial
evening dew; night dew
night watch; night sentry
every night; nightly
late at night; small hours of the morning
night market
short spring night
all night; throughout the night
night work
dawn breaks; day dawns
night watch; night watchman
evening deepens into night; the night wears on; night advances
many nights; hundred nights
middle of the night; dead of night
staying up late; keeping late hours; sitting up late at night; nighthawk
walking around at night
grey nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus); nightjar (any bird of family Caprimulgidae); goatsucker; streetwalker; low class prostitute (Edo period); soba vendors who walk around at night
night cold; chill of night; cold night
number of nights
to see well in the dark; to have good night vision
long night (esp. of autumn)
staying up all night; all-night vigil
best regards; please remember me; please treat me favorably (favourably); please take care of
all night; throughout the night
night festival
night festival
all night; the whole night
snowy night
long night; all night
day and night; turning night into day
short summer night
misty, moonlit night; (spring) night with a hazy moon
night storm
frosty night
night boat
every evening; night after night
creeping at night into a woman's bedroom; stealing into a girl's bedroom at night to make love; sneaking visit
dark night; moonless night
misty, moonlit night
eyes of the night; eyes asleep; at night
3 days and 3 nights
misty, moonlit night
evening moon; moonlit evening; moonlight evening
night fishing with nets
festival-eve vigil; eve of a festival vigil
cannot live even a minute without someone or something; meaning the world to one
hades; realm of the dead; the next world
night shopkeeper; night storekeeper; night-hawker
night work; burglary
all night; the whole night
night watch
night stall; night shop; night fair
long night (esp. of autumn)
best regards; please remember me; please treat me favorably (favourably); please take care of
misty, moonlit night
being fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one); know-it-all manner
weather clearing at night
Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony
night trading
Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony
many nights; a thousand nights
Examples (187 in total)
It's eight o'clock at night.
It was Saturday night.
Thank you for the pleasant evening.