1. purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
Pitch accent
Composed of
order; item (of a budget revision, etc.); counter for go pieces; counter for surrounded positions (in go)
-ical; -ive; -like; -ish; (something) like; along the lines of
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
blind (devotion, faith, etc.); reckless
place of destination
main purpose; primary objective
sense of purpose
purposeless; aimless
intended use; intended purpose
object; objective; aim
profit motive; (with) the intention to profit; profit-making intention; for profit
to serve one's aim; to serve one's purpose
nominal; in name only; only by terminology
to be willing to do anything (any trick) to achieve one's end
purpose of use
purposive; appropriate
becoming the objective; setting as a goal
objective case
to accomplish (attain) one's object
purposeful; purposive; intentional
(for) commercial purpose; business goal
final cause
final aim; final end; supreme end
earmarked tax; special-purpose tax
target element
special-purpose entity; SPE
object language
object complement; objective complement
Examples (64 in total)
What is my purpose?
What's the purpose of your trip?
At last, Mayuko achieved her goal.