1. purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
Pitch accent
Composed of
order; item (of a budget revision, etc.); counter for go pieces; counter for surrounded positions (in go)
-ical; -ive; -like; -ish; (something) like; along the lines of
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
blind (devotion, faith, etc.); reckless
place of destination
Examples (64 in total)
What is my purpose?
What's the purpose of your trip?
At last, Mayuko achieved her goal.
What is the purpose of your visit?
What's the purpose of your visit?
What's your purpose in visiting this country?
What's your real purpose?
He finally achieved his goals.
We will soon achieve our goal.
At last, Ken achieved his goal.
What are Tom's true intentions?
The end does not necessarily justify the means.
What is the purpose of this sort of essay?
For what purpose did he come here?
This room is used for various purposes.
His proposals did not fit in with our aims.
Thanks to his efforts, he attained his object.
Hi! What is the purpose of your visit in America, sir?
People will gradually lose sight of the original purpose.
Jack has no goals in life.
He achieved his aim of studying abroad.
What is the main purpose of this plan?
Examinations interfere with the real purpose of education.
It is wrong to aim at fame only.
His aim in life is to save money.
I have to attain my purpose at all costs.
Leisure has been viewed as a means to an end.
The site is used for military purposes.
Many people drift through life without a purpose.
For what purpose did you break into the house?
Work is not the object of life any more than play is.
"There's no meaning. There's no purpose." "What do you mean?"
His object is to pass the test.
She went to Germany for the purpose of studying music.
What is the main purpose of your studying English?
I went to the department store with a view to buying a present.
Naomi is learning English with a view to going abroad.
He has a firm purpose in life.
Why did you give up the idea of learning French?
His object in life was to become a musician.
He bought the land for the purpose of building his house on it.
He is saving money so that he may buy a motorcycle.
I have gathered examples with the object of making a dictionary.
It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purposes.
I hope they don't resort to violence to accomplish their goals.
Her aim in life is to become a movie star.
She is saving her money with a view to taking a trip around the world.
This paper should be adequate for your purpose.
The object of the journey was to visit Grandma.
I started to learn English with the aim of becoming a teacher.
The purpose of our trip is to visit a new factory.
Serving people is his sole purpose in life.
He came to inspect the house with a view to buying it.
He drifted aimlessly through life.
The purpose of this text is to deepen the understanding of black culture.
The discovery of truth should remain the single aim of science.
The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent.
The Board of Directors aim is to make decisions regarding business affairs of the company.
Even if it takes you three years, you must accomplish your goal.
I went there for the express purpose of earning money.
The purpose of advertising is to familiarize consumers with the name of a product.
The purpose of our trip is to visit friends and see some tourist spots.
The company moved its corporate domicile to Hong Kong for tax purposes.
It's better to remain silent, than to talk without purpose.