1. tree; shrub; bush
2. wood; timber
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 900
Used in vocabulary (218 in total)
Japanese laurel; spotted laurel; Aucuba japonica; live tree
fruit of a tree; nut; berry
plants; vegetation
Examples (183 in total)
I ran into a tree.
Wood floats.
He fell from the tree.
Looks like that tree is going to fall down!
Is that a real tree?
There was not a tree in sight.
The car ran into a tree.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
This is a plum tree.
The kitten couldn't get down from the tree.
This is a lime tree.
The balloon was caught in the tree.
That's a lemon tree.
Jim got down from the tree.
Do elephants climb trees?
Fasten the rope to the tree.
The tree was struck by lightning.
The kite got caught in the tree.
The leaves fell from the trees.
Cheetahs cannot climb trees.
This is a very tall tree.
They sat under a tree.
He was sleeping under the tree.
You look at that tree.
What is the name of that tree?
Are you going to cut down all the trees here?
The prince was changed into a tree by magic.
This table is made of wood.
How much is that wooden chair?
Let's take a little rest under the tree.
The dog ran around the tree.
This desk is made of wood.
That box is made of wood.
Birds are flying above the trees.
A bird is singing in the tree.
This bridge is made of wood.
He stuck his knife into the tree.
The tree spread its branches abroad.
There is a bench under the tree.
You took shelter under a tree.
What kind of tree is an oak?
It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.
He tied the dog to a tree.
Cookie's house is made of wood.
He climbs trees easily.
The rabbit hid behind the tree.
He cut off a branch from the tree.
You're the one who planted that tree.
That toy is made of wood.
Hold fast to this tree.
Trees are planted along the street.
A fallen tree obstructed the road.
There are some oranges on the tree.
The leaves of the trees in the garden have turned completely red.
An apple fell off the tree.
Ken climbed down from the tree.
The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.
The road was blocked by a fallen tree.
The tree had been blown down by the typhoon of the day before.
The monkey climbed up the tree.
He was tied to the tree with a rope.
Wooden houses catch fire easily.
The tea tree is a kind of camellia.
The chairs are made of wood.
The tree fell down by itself.
He carved a Buddha statue from wood.
A ripe apple dropped from the tree.
A fallen tree blocked the path.
Don't cut down this tree.
The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree.
How old is this tree?
Tom cut down the tree with a chain saw.
Many trees were blown down by the storm.
A woman appeared from behind a tree.
My father and mother were sitting under a tree.
That tree is not so tall as this.
She looked up at the tall tree.
This tree is tall, but that one is even taller.
He rescued a cat from a high tree.
The tree grew very tall.
I stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.
The tree grows very quickly.
The boy carved his name in the tree.
They saw a cat climbing up the tree.
There are a lot of trees around the pond.
The bicycle under the tree is mine.
Cats can climb trees, but dogs can't.
Can you see the nest in the tree?
Look! There's a bird in that tree.
The trees are planted three meters apart.
The apple trees blossomed early this year.
Look at the top of that tree.
"I love trees," said the squirrel.
My brother fell out of a tree and broke his leg.
He climbed up the tree like a monkey.
Lots of low trees grow on the hill.
Most Japanese temples are made of wood.
The apple trees grew old and new ones were planted.
The man was sitting on a fallen tree.
The tree was heavy with fruit.
We took shelter from the rain under a tree.
It was nothing but the shadow of a tall tree.
The countryside has many trees.
He cut away the dead branches from the tree.
The fox hid in the hollow tree.
Newton saw an apple fall off a tree.
You can't see the forest for the trees.
The tree throws a shadow on the grass.
We have a kumquat tree in our yard.
Trees shelter my house from the wind.
The road was obstructed by fallen trees.
This tree is about as tall as that one.
My house stands by a tall tree.
Because of these trees, he can't see the forest.
Can you name all the trees in the garden?
My tree looks sick. I wonder what's wrong with it.
There are a lot of tall trees in the park.
The trees in my garden are putting out leaves.
The tree is about as high as the roof.
This tree bears a lot of good fruit.
My brother fell from a tree and broke his leg.
Peach trees typically blossom in spring.
After the storm, the road was blocked with fallen trees.
The trees looked black against the sky.
Some apples rotted on the tree.
He carved me a wooden doll.
Mary drew a house and a tree.
This tree bears good peaches every year.
The climate affected the growth of trees and plants.
The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden.
When was this tree planted?
This desk is made of hard wood.
"There's no tree here", growled the dog.
He cut a twig from the tree with his knife.
The top of this tree is level with the fence.
Tom tried climbing the tall tree.
Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife.
This tree was planted by Tom's great-grandmother.
My neighbors have a pomegranate tree.
I can't prune this tree. It's too tall.
The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio.
There was a tall tree in front of my house.
I saw a shadow move behind that tree!
This tree is the tallest and oldest in this forest.
By evening the shadow of the tree reached the wall.
Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water.
Three boys climbed the trees like a bunch of monkeys.
She came into the garden and looked at the trees for a long time.
The cat on the tree came down to me.
The piano was made of beautiful, dark brown wood.
I found the banana on a steep mountain road.
Tom is out buying wood to build a doghouse.
Look, look! On the branch of the orange tree, there is a blue hermit crab!
Many restaurants and pubs are on Itsutsugi Street.
The big ugly tree destroys the beauty of the house.
I saw a bird flying over a tree.
That's the tallest tree I've ever seen.
The fallen tree got in the way, and I could not get my car out of the garage.
The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.
There were some men eating their lunches under the trees in front of the library.
This tree does not bear fruit.
Let's sit down in the shade of that tree.
This tree has been standing for five decades.
We have two trees in the garden.
I didn't know apple trees grow from seeds.
The table is made from oak.
The tree is green all year round.
You see some trees in front of the school.
The village people built a wooden bridge across the river.
The child was hiding behind a big tree.
He cut some branches off the tree.
Tom planted three apple trees in his yard.
A tall tree projects its long shadow on the water.
As he was about to fall into the river, he took hold of the tree.
I've never seen that kind of tree before.
The person reading a book on the bench under the tree is Tom.
Tom sat under a tree and watched people walk by.
Little by little, the buds on the rosebush in my garden begin to open.
The lovers engraved the oak tree with their initials.
The Kiso River is often called the Rhine of Japan.
I see a girl standing under that tree.
I had a few hours free, so I sat under a tree and read a book.
The young woman under that tree looks sad.