Adjective (い)
1. light; well-lit; well-lighted
2. bright (of a colour); brightly-coloured; brightly-colored
3. cheerful; bright; spirited; sunny (e.g. disposition)
4. encouraging (for the future of a project, etc.); promising; of fair prospects
5. familiar (with); knowledgeable (about); well versed (in)
as 〜に明るい
6. fair (e.g. politics); clean; impartial
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
slightly bright
while it is light; before dark; while the going is good; before things get worse
bright even in the dark; clearly visible at night
Examples (49 in total)
He is always cheerful.
The sky has brightened.
It's getting light.
It's still light outside.
He is a cheerful boy.
The moon is shining brightly.
She has a cheerful personality.
The moon was bright last night.
The sky was bright and clear.
The diamond shone brightly.
Tom is always cheerful.
The sun is shining brightly.
He understands physics.
The sky is getting brighter.
I like bright colors.
Her face was bright with happiness.
The flowers brightened the room.
It's too bright outside to sleep.
You have a bright future.
The room is spacious and light.
The sun is the brightest star.
Could you make the screen a bit brighter?
This young man has a bright future.
She is well versed in Spanish literature.
The bright colors arrested our eyes.
The candles made the room bright.
That small star is the brightest.
The rain stopped and the sky became bright.
In spring everything looks bright.
His face lighted up with joy.
It is getting lighter outside.
The sun makes the earth warm and light.
Let's put up the tent while it's still light.
They painted their house bright yellow.
Her skirt was a cheerful shade of bright green.
The view for the country's future is bright.
The stars are shining very brightly in the sky tonight.
The children's laughs spread throughout the forest.
She decorated her room with bright color.
The return of his daughter brightened his life.
The sun shines brighter after the storm.
They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy.
My mother is always very cheerful in spite of poor health.
His career prospects at the company are not too promising.
The star is so bright as to be seen with the naked eye.
Smiling cheerfully, the two began to walk off into their brilliant future.
The brightest flame burns quickest.
I saw something very bright fly across the night sky.
The lake was gleaming in the bright sunshine.