1. life; life force
sometimes written as 生命
2. lifetime; lifespan
3. most important thing; foundation; core
4. paired tattoos of the "life" kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)
5. fate; destiny; karma
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
putting one's life on the line; staking one's life (on); risking one's life; life and death situation
lifesaver; person who saved one's life
begging for one's life; pleading for one's life
fatal; deadly; mortal
recklessness; daredevilry; rashness; (arch.) long-lasting
for dear life; barely escaping alive
with one's life (protect, etc.); at the cost of one's life
(one's) life is not in danger; not life-threatening
while there is life, there is hope; without life, there is nothing; don't waste your life
water of life; life-giving water; distilled liquor (brandy, whisky, etc.); spirits; (arch.) semen
providential protection
casting off the drudgery of everyday life and doing as one pleases; kicking back
the thread of life
this transient life
life as evanescent as the dew
precious life
Examples (38 in total)
My sword is my life.
I'm afraid for his life.
His life is in danger.