1. name; given name
2. title
3. fame; renown; reputation
4. pretext; pretense; justification; appearance
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (77 in total)
to give one's name (as); to introduce oneself (as); to claim to be; to call oneself; to reveal oneself (as); to admit to being
name; given name; first name
Examples (50 in total)
Her name is Lucifera.
My name is Yatarou.
My name is Hopkins.
I call your name.
He cannot write his own name.
Her name is known all over the world.
The street is named for President Madison.
My name is known to everybody in my school.
I filled in my name on the form.
That name seemed familiar.
No one knows his real name.
I still bear her name in mind.
Don't take my name off your list.
He is a poet worthy of the name.
I was named after my uncle.
She went by the name of Bess.
She was named Kate after her mother.
The author's name is familiar to us.
He was named Horatio after his uncle.
I heard someone call my name from behind.
His name is known to everyone in this town.
She named all the flowers in the garden.
I heard my name called in the dark.
Can you name any plants peculiar to Japan?
He has a son whose name is John.
I met a tall man named Ken.
They named their daughter Helen.
I met a young man whose name was Tom.
He was named Robert after his father.
Thomas was named after his father.
Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife.
A man named Slim was killed in that accident.
Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman.
We associate the name of Einstein with the theory of relativity.
Do you know the name of the most successful military man from this area?
I couple this song with his name.
The child was named Sophia after her grandmother.
According to one legend, it gets its name from a priest.
I heard someone call my name in the crowd.
The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather.
There are three students with the same name in that class.
I heard someone call my name in the crowded bus.
The purpose of advertising is to familiarize consumers with the name of a product.
We are here in the name of Jesus Christ and King Charles.
Now here is a story about a Japanese girl named Haru-chan.
Akiko has an aunt whose name is Hana.
Tell me the name of the ninth month.
When she became a nun, she took the name Sister Teresa.
She wrote down the name and address as requested.
A man named Carlos came to a mountain village looking for that old man.