Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. unrelated; unconnected; irrelevant; indifferent; divorced from; having nothing to do with one; being foreign to one
Adjective (の)
2. without relations (esp. of a deceased person); having no surviving relatives
3. unrelated to the teachings of Buddha; unable to be saved by Buddha
Pitch accent
Composed of
nothing; naught; nought; un-; non-
fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together); relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; family ties; affinity
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
cemetery for those who left no relatives behind; potter's field
society in which individuals are isolated and have weak personal links between each other
all-encompassing mercy of the Buddha
all-encompassing mercy of the Buddha
Examples (1 in total)
This metal is free of rust.