Adjective (の)
1. democracy
Pitch accent
Composed of
democracy; popular sovereignty; Democratic Party (esp. DPJ)
doctrine; rule; principle; -ism
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
Examples (20 in total)
We believe in democracy.
When did democracy come into existence?
I am on the side of democracy.
He stands for democracy.
Democracy originated in Ancient Greece.
There is no trust where there is no democracy.
We live in a society of democracy.
Democracy encourages freedom.
The foundation of free nations is democracy.
Majority rule is a basic principle of democracy.
Individual freedom is the soul of democracy.
Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
After the war, the idea of democracy spread throughout Japan.
Freedom is the very essence of our democracy.
He doesn't have any knowledge about American democracy.
We must fight for our democracy.
Greek philosophers placed value on democracy.
In those days, a new type of democracy was rising.
Democracy is not exportable like food or cement.
Many young men died in the cause of democracy during the war.