1. completely; absolutely; totally
with neg. sentence
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (63 in total)
many branches
matter for great congratulation
perfection; flawlessness
all; everything
certain death
thousands of miles
all; everything
flags of all nations
many guests
all people; everybody; ten thousand people
all people; everybody; ten thousand people
(unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario); (lit.) 10000 to 1; (if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that
(unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario); (lit.) 10000 to 1; (if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that
all-purpose; utility; universal; all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent
all things; all creation
exceedingly; extremely; very many; indeed
flood of emotions; many thoughts
all creation; all nature; all the universe
heavy thunder
hurrah!; long life; congratulations; full vent
all means
all people; the whole nation
the whole world
very much; fully; never
all things; all creation; universal
all ages; eternity
hosts; all the armies
many obstacles; innumerable difficulties
thousands of years; eternity; all generations
many points; many dots; being interspersed in countless numbers
all houses; many houses
by any chance; ten thousand to one
various differentiations
state affairs; secrets
tremendous number
many changes
copious (tears)
many hardships
thousands of lives
vast expanse
the people of all nations
All Saints' Day; All Hallows' Day
a great many words; huge number of words
world history
host of soldiers; many soldiers
many mountains and rivers; a great distance to travel
many mountains and rivers; a great distance to travel
All Souls' Day
various forms; various circumstances
April Fools' Day
many eyes
(mouths of) many people
an infinite variety; multifarious; being extremely varied and wide-ranging
there is no hope
10000 fathoms; great depth; great height
All Souls' Day
great diversity of form
all places; all circumstances
diversification; multifariousness