1. every day
Pitch accent
Composed of
every (usu. with events, e.g. every weekend); each
Sunday; day (of the month); counter for days; Japan
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
almost every day; almost daily
day after day; day by day
daily update; updating daily
Examples (200 in total)
I'm going to call you every day.
I wash clothes every day.
I bathe every day.
Do you pray every day?
I walk every day.
Do you run every day?
I go to school every day.
I eat here every day.
Do you study every day?
I go to church every day.
I eat bread every day.
"You eat fufu every day?" "I eat it almost every day."
I watch television every day.
Learn little by little every day.
Is it this hot every day?
Every day is someone's birthday.
I wash my hair every day.
Do you drink alcohol every day?
I practice the piano every day.
The sun rises every day.
Don't fail in your daily duties.
How many hours do you take a nap every day?
My older brother takes a shower every day.
Letters are delivered every day.
I live a busy life.
Where do you get on the bus every day?
Prices are going up every day.
Why do you come here every day?
I come here every day.
He goes there every day.
Do you come here every day?
I use it every day.
He promised to write every day.
Do you eat meat every day?
Much money is spent every day.
He practiced every day at home.
I work eight hours every day.
I go to Tokyo every day.
Do you go shopping every day?
I like music, and I listen to it every day.
We take a bath every day.
Every day at noon I have a one hour break.
The sky is clear almost every day.
I go to school every day by bus.
Why do you skip lunch every day?
Does he study English every day?
Did you know we lose skin every day?
They need daily care.
When I was a child, I played with my friends every day.
Every day, I take the train to work.
I keep a daily record of the temperature.
He plays baseball every day.
Starting next week, there are tests every day.
Kate drinks a lot of milk every day.
I work different hours every day.
If you exercise for an hour every day, you will lose weight.
He leads a hectic life.
I take a nap almost every day.
Classes start at nine o'clock every day.
Carol gets up early every morning.
I've been eating pasta every day lately.
You should eat breakfast every day.
I go to bed at ten every day.
I ate pizza every day last week.
I have to get up early every day this week.
The price of gold fluctuates daily.
I love fruit and I eat some every day.
I take the subway almost every day.
I'll have to work overtime every day next week.
I work every day except Saturday.
I eat a meat bun every day at the convenience store.
I go to work every day.
Everyday physical exercise is indispensable to your health.
I use French almost every day.
I use my microwave oven almost every day.
I exercise every day.
I shave almost every day.
Rebecca gets up exceedingly early every day.
Tom rides his bicycle to work every day.
They communicate with each other by telephone every day.
I go home early every day.
He comes here almost every day.
My mother gets up early every morning.
We use a lot of water every day.
He doesn't come here every day.
My father goes to work almost every day.
She practiced typing every day.
I bring my children to the park almost every day.
I go to work every day by train.
It is necessary to do some exercise every day.
You should have breakfast every day.
Most Japanese take a bath every day.
I eat lunch every day at noon.
You tried very hard every day.
He said that he takes a walk every day.
It is essential for you to practice every day.
So you can do the same thing every day without getting tired of it?
He tests engines every day.
How long do you study English every day?
I'm sick of eating the same thing every day.
He does not come here every day.
He works every day save Sundays.
Do you listen to the radio at home every day?
He studied for one and a half hours every day.
I help mother do the household chores every day.
Emily walks to school every day.
She drinks a bottle of wine every day.
You have only to practice every day.
The teacher stressed the importance of daily practice.
He works every day but Sunday.
When tomatoes are cheap, I want to eat them every day.
We eat a fresh, green salad every day.
I have breakfast at seven every morning.
Ken calls me every day.
"I haven't been writing English lately." "You won't improve if you don't write every day."
Do Japanese people eat sushi every day?
This is the dictionary I use every day.
We have lunch at noon every day.
He makes it a rule to get up at six every day.
I work from nine to five every day.
How long do you play tennis every day?
She dusts the furniture every day.
It's good for us to eat vegetables every day.
You should practice playing the violin every day.
I've decided to weigh myself every day starting today.
How long does Tony run every day?
He plays marbles every day.
I have a boiled egg for breakfast every day.
I'm doing a job I love which makes every day really enjoyable.
You don't have to come here every day.
She cooks for him every day.
Every day the boy would come.
He never fails to write to his mother every day.
The dog eats a lot of meat every day.
The teacher asked us to clean our classroom every day.
He watches at least one movie a day.
Recently, I've been crying every day. I feel too anxious about the future.
I went swimming almost every day during my summer vacation.
At least three customers come into our shop every day.
Spring has arrived. It's getting hotter each day.
He never fails to come to see me every day.
I study about two hours every day.
I waited every day for my dog to come home.
This laboratory is where we study every day.
Take some exercise every day for your health.
I try to learn something new every day.
The instructor advised me to get exercise every day.
I make it a rule to study math every day.
I get two hours' exercise every day.
On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink every day?
When I was a student, I studied three hours every day.
He comes to see his sick friend day after day.
Last year, my brother was late for school every day.
Some people take a bath every day and others don't.
My father goes to work at eight every day.
I have lunch with the manager almost every day.
He has to have his blood pressure taken every day.
Mary decreased her waist size by swimming every day.
I study French after dinner every day.
He played golf every day during his vacation.
I went to church every Sunday when I was a boy.
Mother made me eat carrots every day in my childhood.
John has to change the baby's diapers every day.
School is where we spend most of our time every day.
The sun gives us heat and light every day.
The ice may drift considerable distances each day.
My wife is getting tired of the daily routine.
My father works from morning till night every day.
I started running once a week. And now I run every day.
That restaurant prepares two thousand meals every day.
Her many puppies run around in the yard every day.
He goes to work on foot every day except on rainy days.
When I was a child, my mother made me eat green vegetables every day.
He is a diligent student. He studies three hours every day.
My wife goes to the village market to buy foods every day.
On my way to school every day, I usually see many dogs and cats.
He practices the piano every day to become a pianist.
He used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford it.
You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary.
She visited the old man in the hospital every day but Sunday.
I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day lest I should fall behind the times.
English is still a foreign language to me, even though I speak it every day.
On my way to school each day, I generally see many dogs and cats.
I brush my teeth every day.
Ken plays soccer every day.
I run 10 kilometers every day.
I drink three cups of coffee every day.
I wish every day were Saturday.
However cold it may be, he still jogs 20 kilometers every day.
He goes swimming in the river every day.
I learn ten new words every day.
Tom drinks 100% pure orange juice every day.
I drink about three liters of water every day.
Mr. Yamada gives us a lot of homework every day.
She spends three dollars a day for lunch and dinner.
Even while you weren't here, Papa, I thought about you every day.
Jim makes a point of jogging three miles every day.
He made a point of reading ten pages every day.
Almost every day he goes to the river and fishes.
When Tom was young, he ate three eggs every day.